“Also On Campus”

Note: Even though classes were not in session, the YAA ensured that many of the University’s facilities were open and welcoming to our classmates.  In case you had forgotten all the incredible resources available to students, just consider the following:


  • Payne Whitney Gym Access
    Enjoy the Adrian C. Israel Fitness Center and other activities in Payne Whitney Gym. Visitors must wear their wristband, show their reunion nametag, and complete a release form at the front desk.
  • Tennis 
    Reservations for Cullman-Heyman Tennis Center outdoor courts (Smilow Way, West Haven, CT) can be booked in advance for $25.00 per hour, per court.
  • Morning Yoga for All Classes
    Start your Saturday morning (weather permitting) with a mixed-level class for all ability levels. Expect a practice that includes yoga postures, gentle core activation, stretches for the whole body, breath-work, and relaxation.
  • Yale Women’s Athletic Network
    YWAN is hosting a one-hour meet-and-greet with other female athletes — both varsity and club — as well as Yale Athletic administration staff and a few women’s team coaches to learn more about the current state of women’s athletics at Yale.
  • Yale Athletics Program Open Houses 
    • Baseball
    • Softball
    • Fencing
    • Men’s & Women’s Tennis
    • Men’s & Women’s Swimming & Diving
    • Women’s Ice Hockey
    • Men’s Soccer
    • Squash
    • Men’s & Women’s Track & Field / Cross Country

Special Events

  • Alcoholics Anonymous Reflections Meeting“Blues Clues”
  • Architectural Treasure Hunt
    A self-guided tour at the Mead Visitor Center for families with children ages 6-11, with clues to fascinating architectural and sculptural details on campus.
  • Books from Alumni Authors
    The Yale Bookstore will have displays featuring books from alumni authors.  77 Broadway
  • Campus Tours by the Mead Visitor Center 
    Yale College students provide a glimpse into the history and architecture of the University. Tours cover the central campus area and last approximately 1 hour. 149 Elm Street
  • Connecticut Children’s Museum 
    Yale Reunion guests ages 3-9 (and the young at heart!) are invited to experience the Connecticut Children’s Museum. 22 Wall Street (corner of Wall and Orange Streets)
  • Dwight Hall Reunion Open House 
    Reconnect with classmates, share reflections on public service, and put your story in a Dwight Hall time capsule. Dwight Hall Library, 67 High Street, Old Campus
  • Dwight Hall Reunion Community Service 
    Join other Reunion alumni in building personal care kits for distribution to members of the New Haven community experiencing homelessness. Alumni volunteers, family members, and friends may assemble kits, write a note of encouragement, or decorate a card. Samuel Priest Rose ’77 Social Justice Network Room, Dwight Hall, 67 High Street, Old Campus
  • Education Studies Alumni Meet-Up
    Please join us at Bar Pizza to meet fellow Yale alumni educators and those who are passionate about education. Mira Debs, Executive Director, will share updates about Yale’s Education Studies Program. Friends and family are welcome!  Bar Pizza, 254 Crown Street
  • Humanities Quadrangle Tour (self-guided)
    Designed by James Gamble Rogers, Yale College Class of 1889, in the collegiate Gothic style blended with Art Deco, this landmark facility was built in 1932 as the Hall of Graduate Studies. As a Yale senior, future architecture critic Paul Goldberger ’72 described the 209,000 square-foot structure as “jazz Gothic.” After more than 80 years of providing graduate student housing, classrooms, and faculty offices, Rogers’s iconic building underwent a comprehensive renovation starting in 2016 to create a home for the humanities at Yale. When the remodeled HQ opened in fall 2021, it gathered two-thirds of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences humanities departments and graduate programs in a building imagined for intellectual exchange. Pick up a guide for a self-guided tour from your class reunion headquarters.
    Humanities Quadrangle, 320 York Street
  • St. Anthony Hall Society (Delta Psi) 
    St. A’s alumni are invited to drop by the Hall to socialize. Families and friends welcome.  483 College Street
  • Yale Bands Reception
    Come by and have some refreshments, see the facilities, and say hello to Director Tom Duffy and Manager Stephanie Hubbard.  Hendrie Hall – Adams Center for Musical Arts, Room 301, 165 Elm Street
  • Yale-China Reunion – Beer and Bao
    Stop by and say hi to your friends and alumni at Yale-China. We’ll celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with beer and baozi 包子, and good company!  Find out what we’re up to as we continue to build U.S.-China relationships.  422 Temple Street
  • Yale Daily News Open House
    Yale Daily News alumni and their guests are invited to an open house with light refreshments. Sponsored by the Yale Daily News Foundation.  202 York Street
  • Yale Farm Open House 
    The Yale Sustainable Food Program (YSFP) is committed to educating a generation of food-literate leaders by creating opportunities to experience food, agriculture, and sustainability as integral parts of their education and lives. Join YSFP staff and students for a thirty-minute tour of the one-acre Farm. See you rain or shine! 345 Edwards Street
  • Yale Guild of Carillonneurs
    The Yale Guild of Carillonneurs is proud to offer alumni tours of the Yale Memorial Carillon in Harkness Tower. See the 54 bells of the carillon and watch a playing demonstration. Each tour is limited to 15 people, and registration is required.  Meet on Library Walk by the High St. gate of Branford.
    Harkness Tower, 74 High Street
  • Yale Rugby Reunion Weekend Happy Hour 
    Yale Rugby alumni are invited to this informal event to connect with their teammates, fellow Yale rugby alumni, and current team members and staff.  Trinity Bar and Restaurant, 157 Orange St.
  • Yale University Art Gallery Resources for Families 
    Explore the galleries using our three self-guided family activities. These materials are designed to be used in the gallery spaces to help you look more closely at art and to enjoy your time together in the museum. Get Started, a booklet of museum activities for families; Self-Guided Architecture Activity, a guide to the Kahn building designed for kids ages 8-12; Felt and Yarn Kit, a take-home kit that includes felt, yarn, and a booklet to encourage young people to look closely at art and make their own artwork. Available throughout the gallery’s opening hours (see Exhibitions section for details).
    1111 Chapel Street. Materials available at the Information Desk.
  • Yale Peabody Museum
    The Yale Peabody Museum has reopened! See below for several opportunities for alumni and their guests to visit the museum, including multiple “reunion-only” events. 170 Whitney Avenue.  See also “Class Program – Peabody Tour” for the special tour our Class got on Thursday, before the formal reunion started.


  • Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
    Thursday, 9 am – 7 pm; Friday, 9 am – 5 pm; Saturday, noon – 5 pm
    “Douglass, Baldwin, Hamilton: The Collections of Walter O. Evens”
    121 Wall Street
  • Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library
    Friday, 8:30 am – 5 pm; Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm; Sunday, noon – 5 pm
    “Textile Tactics: Material, Method, and Concept in Artists’ Publications”
    180 York Street
  • Sterling Memorial Library
    Thursday, 8:30 am–10 pm; Friday, 8:30 am–5 pm; Saturday, 10 am–5 pm; closed Sunday
    “Copying Sacred Texts: A Spiritual Practice”
    120 High Street
  • Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
    Friday, 7:30 am – 10 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 10 am – 10 pm
    “Mindscapes: Stories of Mental Health through Yale Collections”
    333 Cedar St
  • Yale University Art Gallery
    Thursday, 10 am–8 pm; Friday, 10 am–5 pm; Saturday & Sunday, 11 am–5 pm
    “Year of the Dragon”
    “Munch and Kirchner: Anxiety and Expression”
    “Sheila Levrant de Bretteville: Community, Activism and Design”
    1111 Chapel Street
  • Yale University Art Gallery Mobile App
    Access the free Smartify app, where you can find the museum’s floor plan and other resources to help guide your visit.  The Smartify mobile app, available as a free download from the App Store and Google Play, offers an engaging guide to the Gallery’s collection and architecture. Explore the museum either on-site or from home. Save and share your favorite works of art. In addition to the Gallery, you can experience hundreds of other museums with Smartify.

Religious Services and Activities

  • Episcopal Church at Yale
    Saturday, 4 pm, Dwight Chapel, 67 High Street
  • Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale/Yale Hillel
    80 Wall Street, Friday 4pm and 7pm Shabbat dinner
  • Saint Thomas More Chapel & Center at Yale
    Join fellow Catholic alumni for Mass followed by brunch on the Residence Patio behind the Chapel. Please enter through the Thomas E. Golden, Jr. Center at 268 Park Street. Sunday, 10 am – noon
  • University Church Worship
    Join Yale’s ecumenical Christian community for Sunday worship, which will include prayers for alumni who have died, and wonderful music and liturgy.
    Sunday, 10:30 – 11:45 am, Battell Chapel, 400 College Street

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