
William Joseph Bogaty – 50th Reunion Essay

William Joseph Bogaty Date of Death: 23-Jun-2012 College: Morse (Jim Schweitzer submitted a memorial for Will Bogaty for the Class Notes. This is an edited version of that memorial. The full version can be found online.) Will Bogaty died from complications of leukemia in Sydney, Australia, on June 23, 2012. Will was diagnosed with myelodysplasia, a blood disorder that can lead to the cancer. The diagnosis came shortly after Will had retired from heading ExxonMobil…

Feb 1999

Okay, so it’s time for another little adventure in Yale-Land. Let’s get down to some stuff to warm your heart and make you feel good about being a 50-plus geezer on the cosine side of the actuarial tables. Remember, remember, that our 30th Class Reunion (right, 30th) comes Memorial Day weekend of 1999. If you haven’t done so already, mark Thursday, May 27 through Sunday, May 30 as the time/space for this activity. Your reunion…

Nov 1998

Well, here we are in another dizzying round of class notes. By the time you see this, it will be getting reasonably close to the Harvard game, and with luck Lang Wheeler will have issued instructions to one and all on how to enjoy his fiesta for class members at his Cambridge abode. Before we get to the mail, a little something for all you “90s-kind-of guys”: several classmates have let me know about a cute e-mail…

Oct 1998

Another issue of class notes, in our continuing effort to serve you better. Your class council continues with its work, in particular the efforts to promote the social side of things through the aegis of our events czar, John Gazzoli. You should have received a letter from him outlining upcoming social events, including a trip in the California wine country (October 23-25), a fiesta at the Yale-Harvard game courtesy of Lang Wheeler…

Aug 1998

So you’re probably wondering what happened to your class notes (if not your class secretary). It’s a long, and actually fairly prosaic story, involving family pressures (dealing with young kids, dying old folks), work pressures (corporate life isn’t the same since they did away with the executive dining room), and travel (work and pleasure). But you probably don’t care much, and here we are back. I have had offers of…

May 1998

Charlie Sheldon, being a glutton for punishment, has volunteered to assist in recording class notes, effective immediately. You can reach him at 18813 Harris Avenue NE, Suquamish, WA 98392; or email him at sheldon.c@portseattle.org.

Nov 1995

It is my sad duty to report the death of John Mackey. The following note was received from several of his classmates: “John Mackey died on the night of Tuesday, August 15, 1995. All of John’s friends mourn him deeply. We all remember him as he was in the 1960s — young and vital. There was always a vivid excitement about him as well as an uncanny ability to bring out the best in all of us. ”Our…

Apr 1995

There is precious little in the hopper, this freezing February evening, to amuse and delight you (though you will be reading this note in the swelling spring — I think I feel a haiku coming on). I will deal what I have, in hopes some titillating gossip will reach me in time for the next column. I mentioned Julian Fisher a couple of months ago in connection with his gift of craft furniture to the Yale…

Mar 1995

Well, the holidays are over, twelfth night has passed, and we are now in that magical, tantalizing lull before the Super Bowl, and it is time to cast around to you for news of your class, destined to reach you at some point around St. Patrick’s Day. A reminder to all of you who run your lives by the rhythms of the calendar: it’s only 30 days or so until your 1994 tax return is due, a length of time which can be measured by…

Feb 1995

Apologies for missing the last couple of issues. I have been traveling hard (as opposed to hardly traveling) to unspeakable destinations, and have arrived home to find lots of bills and missed deadlines. Many of you have written in, and are probably annoyed at not having your prose in print. Tough. Waiting patiently builds character. I’ll try to dribble out some of the news, with the usual admonition that it would be awfully nice to…


Banner Bio – William Bogaty

WILLIAM JOSEPH BOGATY (Will). Born September 13, 1947 in Washington, D.C., son of Herman Bogaty and Jeanette Domoff Bogaty. Attended Evanston Township High School, Evanston, Illinois. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. History major, B.A.-M.A. Program; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term), 1966-67; Ranking Scholar, 1966-67; Honorary Merit Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Morse (non-resident member, 1968-69). Married Heather Morrison (Connecticut College, Class of ’69, B.A. Degree) at New Haven, Connecticut, October 14, 1967. Future study: Law. Future occupation: Law….