
Thomas Brown – 50th Reunion Essay

Thomas Brown Highland Park, Illinois 60035 thbaeroplan@att.net 847-736-5655 Spouse(s): Mary Beth Evans Brown (1970) Child(ren): Alice Brown (1983) Education: Yale University ‘65-’67; Oklahoma State University BS Math ‘70; University of Southern California MSSM ‘74; Massachusetts Institute of Technology SMCE ‘76 National Service: Capt., US Air Force ‘70 – ‘75 Career: USAF pilot 5 years; United Airlines airport planning 17 years; aviation consultant 24 years Avocations: Woodworking; Letterpress printing College: Ezra Stiles One hundred and twenty-five….


Banner Bio – Thomas Brown

THOMAS HARRISON BROWN (Tom). Born November 25, 1946 in Fairfax, Oklahoma, son of Clyde Thomas Brown and Martha Patricia Evans Brown. Attended Yale High School, Yale, Oklahoma, and Thomas Edison High School, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Attended University of Tulsa Sept., 1967-Jan., 1968; and Oklahoma State University, Jan., 1968 to present. Mathematics major; Yale Gift Scholarship, 1965-67. Resident: Ezra Stiles. Christian Science Organization, 1965-67. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 500 S. Hughes Avenue, Morris,…