
Thomas J. Reed – 50th Reunion Essay

Thomas J. Reed 230 West End Avenue New York, NY 10023 tumblereed@aol.com 212-861-1123 Education: Yale University, BA 1969; Princeton University, MPA 1971 Career: Adjunct Faculty, New School Univ./Parsons and NYU School of Professional Studies: teaching, Illustrator/Photoshop. NYC Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene, 36+ years: materials developer/designer, program evaluator/analyst/director. NYC Addiction Services Agency, 4+ years: researcher/evaluator/analyst Avocations: Art, design, teaching, computer graphics. Wrote and illustrated a children’s book. Political cartooning. College: Berkeley As our 50th…


Banner Bio – Thomas J. Reed

THOMAS JAMES REED. Born November 5, 1947 in New York, New York, son of Charles Claude Reed and Margo Ilse Zellner Reed. Graduated Trenton Central High School, Trenton, New Jersey. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. American Studies major; New York Yale Club Award for Freshman Achievement, 1966; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67; Ranking Scholar, 1965-66; S. L. Mather Scholarship, 1965-67, R. A. Robertson Scholarship, 1967-68. Magna cum laude. Phi Beta Kappa. Resident: Berkeley (Art Club, 1967-69, Social…