55th Reunion Announced: Save the Dates, May 30 – June 2, 2024

55th Reunion Announced: Save the Dates, May 30 – June 2, 2024

Reunion co-chairs Bill Newman and Derry Allen report that YAA has assigned the 55th Reunion for the Yale Class of 1969 to the weekend of May 30 – June 2 of 2024. Mark your calendars! Save the dates!

Here’s what little we know so far about on-campus housing, hotels, program, cost, registration, etc. And here are some things you can do over the next month or ….

Help the Reunion Committee Plan the “Class-only” Program

Help the Reunion Committee Plan the “Class-only” Program

Reunion co-chairs Bill Newman and Derry Allen are asking for YOUR help in formulating the “class-only” reunion events. Please join an ad hoc “planning committee” for two one-hour zoom meetings to a) define and then b) choose the reunion events offered by the class.

Please click here to indicate that you’d be willing to serve on this ad-hoc committee.

Recording From Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff, Publishing

Recording From Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff, Publishing

A few dozen classmates joined Host Art Segal and guest Art Klebanoff for a mid-summer afternoon Zoominar on “publishing,” as seen through the eyes of Art Klebanoff’s career as lawyer, agent and publisher.  See Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff – Publishing,  “A Life in Publishing: 50 Years Spent Bringing the Facts of Life into Focus” for details on the program and Klebanoff’s bona fides.

Without further ado, here is the recording of the conversation:

Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff – Publishing, July 11, 2 pm EDT

Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff – Publishing, July 11, 2 pm EDT

Join in a Class Colloquium featuring Art Klebanoff, who is still trailblazing new business models in the world of publishing. He shares his incredible journey in the thick of the NY publishing world and shares some observations about publishing today. Would-be authors and ALL readers will appreciate this look under the hood. Register now

Class Website Gets Major Makeover

Class Website Gets Major Makeover

This website was started in 2016 to give the Class an online home in the runup to the 50th Reunion.  It proved to be popular and found renewed purpose after celebrating the 50th when the pandemic drove us all indoors and online, including to the wonderful series of Class Colloquia. But several issues and problems arose recently.  First, the “old site” was designed with a number of complex features that were difficult to maintain and…

Campus Miscellaneous — Beyond Core Reunion Events

Campus Miscellaneous — Beyond Core Reunion Events

Check out these additional activities happening during the May 30 – June 2 weekend! Here’s a Table of Contents for everything below: SPORTS FOR ALUMNI & GUESTS SPECIAL EVENTS FAMILY FRIENDLY EXHIBITIONS RELIGIOUS SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES   SPORTS FOR ALUMNI & GUESTS Payne Whitney Gym Access Enjoy the Adrian C. Israel Fitness Center and other activities in Payne Whitney Gym. Visitors must wear their wristband, show their reunion nametag, and complete a release form at…

Class Colloquium 17:  The “Joy of Music” after Retirement

Class Colloquium 17: The “Joy of Music” after Retirement

In 2019 Eliot Norman (Dvenport ’69)  swapped one type of practice (law) for another (piano).

On May16th at 2 PM EDT, he will share his “trials and terrors” of learning and performing Chopin’s  astonishing Prelude No. 24:   “Of Blood, Of Earthly Pleasure, Of Death.” 

Be sure to register now.


QQ: Would you rather have a Yale diploma without a Yale education, or a Yale education without a Yale diploma?

Editor’s Note: Mark Ryan was Dean of JE from 1976 through 1996 and author of A Collegiate Way of Living: Residential Colleges and a Yale Education.  He currently serves as Chair of the Jonathan Edwards Trust, the sponsor of this new history of JE. Editor’s Note 2:  Reminiscences are due February 1st! Another in our series of “Quick Questions” Bryan Caplan, an economics professor at George Mason University calls this credential inflation, where the level of…

Class Colloquium 16:  Medicare … Advantage?

Class Colloquium 16: Medicare … Advantage?

Every year in late fall, the airways are filled with ads for Medicare alternatives. Which ones, if any, should you consider?

Robert Riehle, MD (and Branford ’69) has seen both sides — as medical director of Aetna (and earlier at Cigna and Blue Shield) AND as a surgeon and physician executive.   He’ll share his thoughts on how to decide what’s best for you … and field your questions.   Register now for the Wednesday afternoon Class Colloquium – November 30th at 3:00 pm EDT.


WYBC classmates invite you to their alumni activities

Earlier this year, a few ’69ers who were student broadcasters at WYBC organized some Zoom meetings to reconnect, reminisce and socialize a bit. We also hosted some substantive discussions about WYBC developments and updates on the radio industry more broadly.

We are inviting all classmates to listen to the zoom recordings of the previously recorded sessions and/or to add your name to the email list for this group. You do not have to be a former WYBC-er to join our group. Everyone is welcome.

What’s Happening To The Republican Party?   Class Colloquium 15, with Michael Medved

What’s Happening To The Republican Party? Class Colloquium 15, with Michael Medved

Classmate and conservative radio host Michael Medved will speak to us privately about the Republican Party, the upcoming elections and the Trump phenomenon.  

Almost a quarter of our Class identifies as “conservative” and one-third as “moderate or conservative.”  But today’s Republicans are NOT the same as the Republican Party of our parents.

Register for the 7:30 PM (ET) zoominar on Thursday 9/22 for Michael’s views, some Q&A and “breakout groups” for broader discussions.

Class Colloquium#14,  Energy Expert Daniel Yergin on Energy, Climate, and Geopolitics (May 19th)

Class Colloquium#14, Energy Expert Daniel Yergin on Energy, Climate, and Geopolitics (May 19th)

Gas prices spiking at the pump, war in Ukraine, Russia versus the U.S., new threats of nuclear weapons. Once again the world is on edge with a global energy crisis. (Remember OPEC and long gas lines in the ’70s?)

These dangerous developments come on top of transformative changes in energy markets – fracking and the shale revolution, cost-effective renewables, China and India becoming big-time players, a new race for critical minerals used in new technologies.

Dan Yergin ’68, energy expert (yes, the one you’ve seen on TV), will brief us on what is actually going on – and what it means for us – and answer your questions. Be sure to register now for the May 19th zoominar.


Class Colloquium 13: Depression, a discussion with Dr. Jerry Rosenbaum, March 9th at 1:30 pm EST

What IS “Depression” anyway?   Not the economic one — the psychological one.  And what is going on when Depression hits later in life, in your 70s?

Our guide will be a world-class expert, classmate Jerry Rosenbaum, MD, who served as former Chief of Psychiatry at Mass General. (See his incredible resume for more.)  Jerry will share the latest understanding of clinical depression in septuagenarians and report on promising new therapeutics (including psychedelics). Register now for March 9th at 1:30 pm EST.

Class Colloquium #12:  Losing my mind … and my good health

Class Colloquium #12:  Losing my mind … and my good health

Something on the order of half of us will deal with dementia — either our own or our spouse’s. Class Secretary Dr. Art Segal and Class Council member Dr. Ken Davis have arranged for two experts to join us for a close look at the disease, what can be done to forestall or attenuate it and what else we should know.  Their presentation will be followed by your questions and candid conversation.

Shakespeare’s Twin Sister … Richard Seltzer’s Newest Novel

Shakespeare’s Twin Sister … Richard Seltzer’s Newest Novel

Richard Seltzer keeps up the torrid pace of publishing with the release of his latest novel, Shakespeare’s Twin Sister.  He reports, “I had a LOT of fun with this one!”

The plot device is clever:  Shakespeare’s twin sister Kate wakes up in the body of a 99-year-old woman in a nursing home in 1987. She has […]