
Banner Bio – David Pressel

DAVID CHARLES PRESSEL. Born September 20, 1947 in Bronxville, New York, son of Charles Henry Pressel and Gertrude Enck Pressel. Attended Eastchester Senior High School, Eastchester, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Geology and Geophysics major. Resident: Silliman. Dwight Hall Tutoring Program, 1967; Yale Marching Band, 1965-66; Freshman Glee Club, 1965-66; Apollo Glee Club, 1966-67; Yale Glee Club, 1967-69, Historian, 1968-69; Yale Alley Cats, 1966-69, Historian, 1967-68. Future study: Geology. Future occupation: Teaching (college level)…


Banner Bio – Leonard Richards

LEONARD RICHARDS (Leo, Len). Born January 27, 1947 in New York, New York, son of the late Leonard Richards and the late Amanda du Bree Richards. Attended Brooks School, North Andover, Massachusetts. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Philosophy major. Resident: Davenport (Hockey, 1967-69). Fence Club; Corner Society; Ball and Mallet; Dramat, 1965-69; Freshman Crew, 1965-66, numerals; Varsity Crew, 1966-69, Minor Y, 1968, Major Y, 1967. Roommates: Steven Craig Dixon, Michael Melville Wood. Future study: Law. Future…


Banner Bio – Stephen Rose

STEPHEN ANTHONY ROSE. Born June 1, 1947 in Pensacola, Florida, son of Anthony Joseph Rose and Rita Marie Eisenrich Rose. Attended James Madison High School, Vienna, Virginia. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive History, the Arts, and Letters major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term), 1966-67 (fall term); Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (fall term); William S. Kilborne Traveling Scholarship in History, Summer 1968. Resident: Silliman (Master’s Aide, 1966-67; Touch Football, 1965-68; Soccer, 1968; Tennis, 1965-67). Political Union, 1965;…


Banner Bio – Earl Sacerdoti

EARL DAVID SACERDOTI. Born June 2, 1948 in New York, New York, son of Renzo Sacerdoti and Ellen Marion Bier Sacerdoti. Attended Syosset High School, Syosset, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Psychology major. Resident: Timothy Dwight (Crew, 1967). Roommates: Dale M. Allen, Hubert M. Stiles. Future study: Computer Science. Future occupation: Teaching (college level). Address: 9 Pine Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797.


Banner Bio – James Schweitzer

JAMES DAY SCHWEITZER (Jim). Born May 23, 1947 in New York, New York, son of Austin Jay Schweitzer and Diane Brooks Schweitzer. Attended Woodrow Wilson High School, Washington, D.C., and Loomis School, Windsor, Connecticut. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Political Science major; Dean’s List, 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Morse (Social Committee, 1966-68; Softball, 1966-69). Haunt Club, 1967-69; Alumni Fund, 1968; Political Union, 1965-66. Roommates: Earl M. Collier, Michael Hertz, Richard Larkin. Future study: Law. Future occupation:…


Banner Bio – Donald Shaw

DONALD McMILLAN SHAW (Don). Born November 4, 1947 in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, son of James Edward Shaw and Leila Allen McMillan Shaw. Attended Ramey High School, Aquadilla, Puerto Rico. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Architecture major; National Merit Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Saybrook (non-resident member, 1968-69). Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 90 East 37th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon.


Banner Bio – Yannis Simonides

YANNIS MICHAEL SIMONIDES. Born October 18, 1946 in Istanbul, Turkey, son of the late Michael Simonides and Elelen Kara-mihalis Simonides. Attended Athens College, Athens, Greece. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Drama major; Bates Summer Fellowship in Drama, 1968; Pomeroy Day Scholarship, 1966-69. Resident: Silliman (Dramat, 1965-69; Soccer, 1965-68). St. Anthony Hall; Elizabethan Club, Board of Governors, 1968-69; Dramat, 1965-69. Future study: Drama. Future occupation: Theatre. Address: c/o William Stewart, 87 Main Street, Farmington, Connecticut.


Banner Bio – Hartley Spatt

HARTLEY STEVEN SPATT. Born November 21, 1947 in Brooklyn, New York, son of Milton Emanuel Spatt (Class of ’41) and Blanche Sylvia Bakstansky Spatt. Attended Brooklyn Friends School, Brooklyn, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Entered Colgate University Sept., 1968; Member of the Class of 1970. English major. Resident: Timothy Dwight (Soccer, 1966-68; Softball, 1967). Prom Committee, 1967-68, Decorations Chairman; Republican Club, 1965-67; Political Union, 1966-67; Hillel, 1965-68. Roommate: Peter Alan Burkhard. Future study: English….


Banner Bio – Robert Struse

ROBERT M. STRUSE (Bob). Born June 3, 1947 in Norristown, Pennsylvania, son of Dr. Tolbert B. Struse and Dr. Sarah A. Patchell Struse. Attended Phoenixville Area High School, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. History major. Resident: Pierson (Tackle Football, 1968). Zeta Psi, Social Chairman, 1967-68; Class Council; Class Gift Fund Executive Committee; Freshman Football, 1965, numerals; Varsity Football, 1966-67, Minor Y; Freshman Track, 1965-66, numerals. Roommates: Richard Barrier, Robert Cleaveland, Robert Polackwich. Future occupation:…


Banner Bio – John Thompson

JOHN JONES THOMPSON. Born February 21, 1947 in Washington, D.C., son of Robert Luther Thompson and Marjorie Emma Jones Thompson. Attended Bethesda-Chevy Chase Senior High School, Bethesda, Maryland. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Psychology major. Resident: Trumbull (College Council, 1965-68, Treasurer, 1968; Touch Football, 1967-68). Alpha Phi Omega, 1967-69. Roommate: Pancras Henri van der Laan. Future study: Medicine. Future occupation: Psychiatry. Address: 7500 Summit Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015.


Banner Bio – Robert Vestewig

ROBERT PHILIP VESTEWIG. Born May 29, 1947 in Waterbury, Connecticut, son of Ernest Vestewig and Ruth Lange Vestewig. Attended the Taft School, Watertown, Connecticut. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Economics major; Ranking Scholar, 1966-67. Resident: Pierson (College Aide, Librarian, Dance Band). McCarthy Campaign Aide, March-August, 1968. Future study: Law. Future occupation: Law, Politics. Address: 293 Peach Orchard Road, Waterbury, Connecticut 06706.


Banner Bio – Barry Walton

BARRY BENJAMIN WALTON. Born February 18, 1947 in Fort Smith, Arkansas, son of Maynard Hanson Walton and Florence Ruth Cocio Walton. Attended Catholic High School of Little Rock, Arkansas. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Political Science major; Yale Honorary National Scholarship, 1965-66; National Merit Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident (non-resident member, 1968-69): Pierson (Interracial Discussion Group, 1966-67). Political Union, 1965-67. Roommates: G. Webster Burns, Gregory Johnson. Married Carol Irene Merritt (Vassar, Class of ’69, B.A. Degree) at Little…


Banner Bio – Arnold Welles

ARNOLD WELLES (Arnie). Born January 12, 1947 in New York, New York, son of Arnold N. Welles (Class of ’40) and Adele Harman Waggaman. Attended St. Paul’s School, Concord, New Hampshire. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Attended Stanford University, June, 1966 to Aug., 1966. Intensive Chinese Studies major. Resident: Jonathan Edwards (Entertainment Committee, 1966- 67; Hockey, 1965-69). Berzelius, 1969; Political Union, 1967-68; Yale Ski Club,. 1967-68; Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars, 1967-68; Freshman Football, 1965, numerals,…


Banner Bio – Richard Williams

RICHARD GRANTON WILLIAMS (Rich, Gump). Born March 26, 1947 in Winchester, Massachusetts, son of Kenneth Hugh Williams and Beryl Gran-ton Williams. Attended Louisville Country Day School, Louisville, Kentucky. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. History major; Dean’s List, 1966-67. Resident: Berkeley (Football, 1966-68, Co-Captain, 1967). Freshman Rifle Team, 1965-66. Roommates: John Robert Adams, John Johnston Davis.. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 531 Primrose Way, Louisville, Kentucky 40206.


Banner Bio – Richard Zahn

RICHARD LEE ZAHN. Born May 6, 1947 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, son of Fred H. Zahn, Jr. (Class of ’38) and Betty Lee Anthony Zahn. Attended Harding High School, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Administrative Science major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term); Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67. Resident: Ezra Stiles (Master’s Council, 1967-68; Tackle Football, 1965-68, Captain, 1968; “B” Basketball, 1968-69). Beta Club, 1967-69; Yale Key Society, 1967-69, Treasurer, 1968-69; Freshman…


Banner Bio – Joshua Auerbach

JOSHUA SETH AUERBACH (Josh). Born May 13, 1948 in New York, New York, son of the late Eugene Auerbach and Zita Miller Auerbach. Attended East Meadow High School, East Meadow, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Psychology major; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67; Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (spring term); National Merit Scholarship, 1966-69. Non-Resident Member: Jonathan Edwards. Elihu; Political Union, 1965-66; New Haven Halfway House, 1968-69; Yale Concert Band, 1965-68; Yale Symphony Orchestra, 1965-69, Vice-President, 1967-68. Future…