Class Colloquium 19: How WE fix climate change – Oct. 24, 4 pm ET

How WE can accelerate solutions to climate change. Register now (10/24 at 4 pm ET)

Wayne Willis, ’69, has been involved in lobbying for smart climate policies since 2017, most recently as State Coordinator for Citizens’ Climate Lobby.  He’s developing a book answering all the questions he gets from officials, community leaders, and fellow citizens about climate — the science, the climate models, the possible solutions, the hopelessness/denial/cynicism people feel about the problem, and what responsible people like us can and should do about the problem.

The central chapter of his forthcoming book is a framework outlining HOW a climate crisis can be avoided … and what YOU can do today to make a huge difference. 

This Zoom meeting will share that model and highlight why NOW is a critical time:  You see, regardless of the election outcome, there is a time window in November and December to pass one law (ready for a vote now!) and another window in 2025 to enact a different one (that is being developed)! Both pieces of legislation are bipartisan, both are incredibly impactful and neither is assured of Congressional action without your support.  Congress will need to hear your voice … a strong voice empowered with your understanding of how and why the legislation is necessary.

“There is a tide in the affairs of men,” the Bard famously said, that when “taken at the flood leads on to fortune.”  Now is that time.

Wayne’s presentation is about 35 minutes, and we’ll have the balance of our time for Q&A and discussion.

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