
Daniel Duke’s latest novel: Pursuit of Happiness

Dr. Daniel Duke, a professor emeritus at UVa, released a new novel, Pursuit of Happiness, in late June.  It joins two earlier novels — Man Camp (2022) and River of Dreams (2023).  His author profile explains that “his novels address important issues, ranging from what it means to be a man in the 21st century to whether pursuing happiness is worth the effort.”

The Amazon “blurb” for The Pursuit of Happiness gives a peek into the story:

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are words cherished by many Americans. Dwight Freeman, recently retired history professor, is not so sure, however, that pursuing happiness is a worthwhile enterprise. As the world starts to return to something close to normal after two years of COVID-19-induced hibernation, Dwight finds himself searching for something meaningful to do. Even after meeting Martina, a delightful woman ten years his junior, at a college reunion, he continues to believe that seeking happiness ultimately results in disappointment. It remains to be seen whether he’ll give Martina the opportunity to prove him wrong.

About the author

Daniel Duke got a late start writing novels, publishing Man Camp when he was seventy-five. Late starts can be a blessing, however. Less time for negative reviews!   River of Dreams was published the following year. And now Pursuit of Happiness is done.

Like Dwight Freeman, the lead character of the most recent book, Duke was born in Richmond, Virginia. A Yale grad, he served on the faculties of Lewis & Clark College, Stanford University, and the University of Virginia.

Duke is blessed with a patient wife and a bevy of children and grandchildren. His novels address important issues, ranging from what it means to be a man in the 21st century to whether pursuing happiness is worth the effort.

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