Jeff Wheelwright Gets His Head Examined

The author getting a capsule taped to his forehead in preparation for tests of his brain’s performance.
David Zentz

Discover magazine asked our own Jeff Wheelwright (SM) to write about a UCLA study of the aging brain. Given that his own brain is aging, he enrolled in the study so as to write about it from a first-hand perspective.

The resulting article was published in the October issue of Discover.  It weaves together a report on what is happening, generally, to all of us, and what, specifically, Jeff experienced.

He reports how fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) studies are advancing our knowledge of brain function (and dysfunction) by leaps and bounds.  And secondly, the article explores how Jeff’s subjective experience aligns with the norms and predictions made by the UCLA group.

Read the article:–old-brain


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