WYBC classmates invite you to their alumni activities

Earlier this year, a few ’69ers who were student broadcasters at WYBC organized some Zoom meetings to reconnect, reminisce and socialize a bit. We also hosted some substantive discussions about WYBC developments and updates on the radio industry more broadly.

We are inviting all classmates to listen to the zoom recordings of the previously recorded sessions and/or to add your name to the email list for this group. You do not have to be a former WYBC-er to join our group. Everyone is welcome.

David Perry Lawrence, June 25, 2022

David Perry Lawrence, June 25, 2022

David Lawrence passed away on June 25, 2022.  Here is the profile he contributed to Yale1969.org just prior to the 50th reunion. Following my life backwards from the present (2018). A retired commercial photographer of politicians (hired by the campaigns of three Presidents), movie stars, celebrities, and Titans of Industry, I live with my wife Judy in a suburb of Milwaukee. We moved here in 2014 to be with her kids and grandkids, and to…

Joseph Green, August 17, 2022

Joseph Green, August 17, 2022

(from Legacy.com) GREEN, Joseph Benjamin Of Cambridge, Massachusetts, passed away on August 17, 2022 at 74 from pancreatic cancer. An accomplished attorney and tennis player, Joe was known for his integrity and agility, both in court and on the court. Born in 1947 in New York City, Joe attended Horace Mann School for junior high and high school, followed by Yale University, where he majored in American studies. Upon graduation in 1969, he completed one…

Class Notes, Sep-Oct 2022

Class Notes, Sep-Oct 2022

Your scribe has two deaths to report. Jim Nippes died suddenly on May 16th, 2022. From the Jackson, Mississippi Clarion Ledger: He graduated from the Hopkins School in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1965; from Yale University in 1969 with a double major in Physics and History; and from the University of Mississippi Law School in 1973. After receiving an LLM Degree in Tax Law from the University of Miami in 1974, he moved to Jackson…

What’s Happening To The Republican Party?   Class Colloquium 15, with Michael Medved

What’s Happening To The Republican Party? Class Colloquium 15, with Michael Medved

Classmate and conservative radio host Michael Medved will speak to us privately about the Republican Party, the upcoming elections and the Trump phenomenon.  

Almost a quarter of our Class identifies as “conservative” and one-third as “moderate or conservative.”  But today’s Republicans are NOT the same as the Republican Party of our parents.

Register for the 7:30 PM (ET) zoominar on Thursday 9/22 for Michael’s views, some Q&A and “breakout groups” for broader discussions.

Leon Reid Hanson, Jr., August 18, 2022

Leon Reid Hanson, Jr., August 18, 2022

Frankly, Reid didn’t leave too much of a footprint online, so classmates who knew or remembered him are encouraged to add comments and remembrances below. He entered Yale a year before us, in September 1964, as a member of the Class of ’68.  He spent our sophomore year at Millsaps College and the University of Texas, before returning to Yale and being a non-resident member of Silliman. He got a law degree from UCLA and…

Yale illegally discriminated against whites, Asian Americans: US Justice Department

Yale illegally discriminated against whites, Asian Americans: US Justice Department

from Opiyoi It accused the university of discrimination during the admission process DOJ carried out a two-year investigation into Yale’s admission process Yale rejected DOJ’s findings as “meritless” The Justice Department accused Yale University on Thursday of violating US civil rights law by illegally discriminating against white and Asian American applicants. The department’s finding — which Yale rejected as “meritless” — came after a two-year investigation into the undergraduate admissions process at the prestigious Ivy…

Friendship Recession For Men?  Friendships formed since Yale?

Friendship Recession For Men? Friendships formed since Yale?

Friendship Recession A new survey conducted by the Survey Center on American Life finds that the social landscape is far less favorable than it once was. Over the past three decades, the number of close friends Americans have has plummeted. This friendship recession is particularly bad for men. The percentage of men with at least six close friends fell by half since 1990, from 55 percent to 27 percent. The study also found the percentage…

QQ: High School Curriculum

“They oughta teach that in school.” You’ve heard it. You’ve said it. You’ve said it about practical life hacks, or lessons “every high school student should know,” even at the expense of some topics taught currently. This month’s Quick Question: “What should be taught in HS that’s not currently taught?”  Scale doesn’t matter: It might be a lesson (“The non-intuitiveness of exponential growth”) or a course (“Relationships and Networking” or “Personal Financial. Use the new…

Class Notes, Jul-Aug 2022

Class Notes, Jul-Aug 2022

Ned Culver reports sad news: “Classmate, roommate, and old friend Scott Herstin died of a heart attack April 14th in Naples Florida, following a period of declining health, including a failed kidney for which he had received a transplant.  He is survived by two daughters and five grandchildren.  He is also survived by his former wife and close friend Marilynn Core, of Fort Myers. At Yale, he was an American Studies major, a resident of…

Living Eulogies

Living Eulogies

I recently got a notice that a high school classmate had died. I’m 76. We’re getting old. Such announcements are likely to become frequent, until there are few of us left. ,,,

Eulogies are the reverse of that. They summarize a life, emphasizing the best. But they are only written and delivered when someone dies. That’s a shame, and it’s unnecessary.

I’d like to start a new tradition of living eulogies.

Milwaukee Jihad

Milwaukee Jihad

Editor’s Note: This is Matt Flynn’s third novel in the series of spy thrillers starring a  brilliant mathematician and lots of Yale connections.  (See our reviews of the prior two books here.)

This one skewers the Wisconsin political elite, which Matt knows well from his stint as Chairman of the Wisconsin Democratic Party and his unsuccessful runs for Governor and Congress.  Matt would appreciate your support by buying the book.