Mar 1995
Well, the holidays are over, twelfth night has passed, and we are now in that magical, tantalizing lull before the Super Bowl, and it is time to cast around to you for news of your class, destined to reach you at some point around St. Patrick’s Day. A reminder to all of you who run your lives by the rhythms of the calendar: it’s only 30 days or so until your 1994 tax return is due, a length of time which can be measured by…
Feb 1995
Apologies for missing the last couple of issues. I have been traveling hard (as opposed to hardly traveling) to unspeakable destinations, and have arrived home to find lots of bills and missed deadlines. Many of you have written in, and are probably annoyed at not having your prose in print. Tough. Waiting patiently builds character. I’ll try to dribble out some of the news, with the usual admonition that it would be awfully nice to…
Lawrence Berg, Deceased January 30, 1995 – Needs Content
We need a volunteer who knew this Classmate to help assemble information for an “In Memoriam” remembrance. Please use the Contact Us form to get in touch with one of our editors. What we need from you is anything about this person that we can use to create a proper tribute — memories from our…