Thomas Gates, Deceased February 2, 1997 – Needs Content

We need a volunteer who knew this Classmate to help assemble information for an “In Memoriam” remembrance. Please use the Contact Us form to get in touch with one of our editors. What we need from you is anything about this person that we can use to create a proper tribute — memories from our student days, links to obits that ran in newspapers, pictures, what you know about their lives, email addresses of survivors…

Geoffrey Booth, January 19, 1997

Dr. Geoffrey K. Booth, chief of psychiatric outpatient services at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in San Francisco and an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at UC-San Francisco, died of heart failure Jan. 19. He was 49. Dr. Booth, a Tiburon resident, grew up in Boston and Westport, Conn., and graduated from Yale University and Georgetown Medical School. He joined the Navy in 1971 and completed his residency training in psychology at Oak Knoll Naval…

Louis Popp, Deceased September 11, 1996 – Needs Content

We need a volunteer who knew this Classmate to help assemble information for an “In Memoriam” remembrance. Please use the Contact Us form to get in touch with one of our editors. What we need from you is anything about this person that we can use to create a proper tribute — memories from our student days, links to obits that ran in newspapers, pictures, what you know about their lives, email addresses of survivors…

Michael Dunn, Deceased November 19, 1995 – Needs Content

We need a volunteer who knew this Classmate to help assemble information for an “In Memoriam” remembrance. Please use the Contact Us form to get in touch with one of our editors. What we need from you is anything about this person that we can use to create a proper tribute — memories from our student days, links to obits that ran in newspapers, pictures, what you know about their lives, email addresses of survivors…

Nov 1995

It is my sad duty to report the death of John Mackey. The following note was received from several of his classmates: “John Mackey died on the night of Tuesday, August 15, 1995. All of John’s friends mourn him deeply. We all remember him as he was in the 1960s — young and vital. There was always a vivid excitement about him as well as an uncanny ability to bring out the best in all of us. ”Our…

Jonathan Waxman, Deceased October 19, 1995 – Needs Content

We need a volunteer who knew this Classmate to help assemble information for an “In Memoriam” remembrance. Please use the Contact Us form to get in touch with one of our editors. What we need from you is anything about this person that we can use to create a proper tribute — memories from our student days, links to obits that ran in newspapers, pictures, what you know about their lives, email addresses of survivors…

Michael Purcell, Deceased October 10, 1995 – Needs Content

We need a volunteer who knew this Classmate to help assemble information for an “In Memoriam” remembrance. Please use the Contact Us form to get in touch with one of our editors. What we need from you is anything about this person that we can use to create a proper tribute — memories from our student days, links to obits that ran in newspapers, pictures, what you know about their lives, email addresses of survivors…

John Mackey, Deceased August 15, 1995 – Needs Content

We need a volunteer who knew this Classmate to help assemble information for an “In Memoriam” remembrance. Please use the Contact Us form to get in touch with one of our editors. What we need from you is anything about this person that we can use to create a proper tribute — memories from our student days, links to obits that ran in newspapers, pictures, what you know about their lives, email addresses of survivors…

Apr 1995

There is precious little in the hopper, this freezing February evening, to amuse and delight you (though you will be reading this note in the swelling spring — I think I feel a haiku coming on). I will deal what I have, in hopes some titillating gossip will reach me in time for the next column. I mentioned Julian Fisher a couple of months ago in connection with his gift of craft furniture to the Yale…

Mar 1995

Well, the holidays are over, twelfth night has passed, and we are now in that magical, tantalizing lull before the Super Bowl, and it is time to cast around to you for news of your class, destined to reach you at some point around St. Patrick’s Day. A reminder to all of you who run your lives by the rhythms of the calendar: it’s only 30 days or so until your 1994 tax return is due, a length of time which can be measured by…

Feb 1995

Apologies for missing the last couple of issues. I have been traveling hard (as opposed to hardly traveling) to unspeakable destinations, and have arrived home to find lots of bills and missed deadlines. Many of you have written in, and are probably annoyed at not having your prose in print. Tough. Waiting patiently builds character. I’ll try to dribble out some of the news, with the usual admonition that it would be awfully nice to…

Lawrence Berg, Deceased January 30, 1995 – Needs Content

We need a volunteer who knew this Classmate to help assemble information for an “In Memoriam” remembrance. Please use the Contact Us form to get in touch with one of our editors. What we need from you is anything about this person that we can use to create a proper tribute — memories from our student days, links to obits that ran in newspapers, pictures, what you know about their lives, email addresses of survivors…