
Banner Bio – Pablo Rodriguez

PABLO RODRIGUEZ. Born December 28, 1945 in Bogota, Colombia, South America, son of Pablo Rodriguez and Ana Zarate De Rodriguez. Attended Colegio Mayor De San Bartolome, Bogota, Colombia, South America, and Universidad De Los Andes, Feb., 1965 to June, 1965. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Administrative Sciences major. Resident: Timothy Dwight (Soccer, 1965-69). Roommate: Mike Harrington. Future occupation: Business, in Colombia. Address: Calle 53 #16-68, Bogota, Colombia, South America.


Banner Bio – Peter Rodgers

PETER HERBERT RODGERS. Born July 2, 1948 in New York, New York, son of Allan Louis Rodgers and Audrey Ruth Tropauer Rodgers. Attended State College High School, State College, Pennsylvania. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Economics major; Dean’s List, 1966-67; Pennsylvania Merit Scholarship, 1965-67. Resident: Ezra Stiles. Political Union, 1965-67, Liberal Party Officer, 1966. Future occupation: Academic Economist. Address: 641 Glenn Road, State College, Pennsylvania 16801.


Banner Bio – Theodore Robinson

THEODORE NELSON ROBINSON (Ding). Born March 12, 1946 in Mt. Visco, New York, son of Homer W. Robinson (Class of ’37) and Isabelle Hubbell Robinson. Attended Choate School, Wallingford, Connecticut. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Engineering and Applied Science major. Resident: Calhoun (Hockey, 1965-69). Phi Gamma Alpha, Rush Committee, 1967; Yale Engineering Association Undergraduate Committee, 1968-69; Episcopal Church Student Committee, 1967-68. Future study: Mechanical or Aeronautical Engineering. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: c/o The Islanders, Box 7,…


Banner Bio – Scott Robinson

SCOTT EDWARD ROBINSON (Bob, Skooter). Born December 27, 1947 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, son of Lawrence Reed Robinson, Jr. and Jean Margaret Dobson Robinson. Attended Mt. Lebanon High School, Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. American Studies major; Thomas A. Evans Memorial Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Berkeley (Touch Football, 1966; “A” Basketball, 1968-69; Golf, 1968-69). Beta Club; Freshman Basketball, 1965-66, numerals; Varsity Basketball, 1966-68; Varsity Football, 1967-68, Minor Y, 1967, Major Y, 1968. Roommates: Brian John…


Banner Bio – Lawrence Robinson

LAWRENCE KERR ROBINSON (Larry). Born July 22, 1947 in Honolulu, Hawaii, son of the late Cordon Francis Kennedy and the late Frances Kerr Kennedy Robinson, stepson of the late Francis Barlow Robinson. Attended Exeter Township High School, Reiffton, Pennsylvania, and The Hill School, Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. History, the Arts, and Letters major; Dean’s List, 1965- 66 (fall term); National Meiit Scholarship, 1965-69; Pennsylvania State Scholarship, 1966-67. Resident: Saybrook (Swimming, 1966- 69, Co-Captain,…


Banner Bio – William Roberts

WILLIAM HOWARD ROBERTS, JR. (Bill). Born October 22, 1947 in Ft. Collins, Colorado, son of William Howard Roberts and Eleanor Josephine Crouch Roberts. Attended Satellite High School, Satellite Beach, Florida. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Anthropology major; National Merit Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Silliman (Hot Line/Hot Lunch, 1967-69, Chairman, 1968-69; Tang Cup Team, 1967-68; Tackle Football, 1968-69). Yale Outing Club, 1967-69; Yale Mountaineering Club, 1965-69; Yale Speleological Society, 1966-69; Political Union, 1965-66; Yale Ring Agency, 1967-68; Young…


Banner Bio – Neil Robblee

NEIL HENRY ROBBLEE. Born December 11, 1946 in Seattle, Washington, son of John Henry Robblee and Florence L. Palmer Robblee. Attended Roosevelt High School, Seattle, Washington. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Philosophy major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67. Non-Resident Member: Stiles. Freshman Crew, 1965, numerals; Varsity Crew, 1966-69, Minor Y, 1967,-68. Married Jeannie Kay Harris (University of Washington, Class of ’68, B.A. Degree) at Seattle, Washington, June 21, 1968. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 5816 Ann…


Banner Bio – Ronald Rivest

RONALD LINN RIVEST (Ron). Born May 6, 1947 in Schenectady, New York, son of Everett Lloyd Rivest and Shirley May Tubbs Rivest. Attended Niskayuna Senior High School, Schenectady, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Mathematics major; Anthony D. Stanley Memorial Prize in Mathematics, 1968; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67 (fall term); Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (fall term), 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Timothy Dwight. Gibbs Society, 1967-69; Freshman Glee Club, 1965-66; Apollo Glee Club, 1966-67. Roommate: Douglas Creelman…


Banner Bio – Jan Rieveschl

JAN LOUIS RIEVESCHL. Born August 11, 1947 in Detroit, Michigan, son of George Rieveschl, Jr. and Clara Bettina Smith Rieveschl. Attended St. Paul’s School, Concord, New Hampshire. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Psychology major. Resident (non-resident member, 1967-69): Pierson. Freshman Glee Club, 1965-66; Augmented Seven, 1966-69. Married Barbara Hayward Pearce (Nasson College, Class of 70) at Grosse Pointe, Michigan, June 16, 1967. Future study: Psychology. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 232 Lothrop, Crosse Pointe, Michigan 48236.


Banner Bio – Robert Riehle

ROBERT ARTHUR RIEHLE, JR. (Bo). Born October 24, 1947 in San Diego, California, son of Robert Arthur Riehle and Lois Wulfekoet-ter Riehle. Attended Cincinnati Country Day School, Cincinnati, Ohio. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Psychology major. Resident: Branford (Bulletin, 1965-66; Soccer, 1965-68). Fence Club, 1966-69; Whiffenpoofs, 1968-69; Baker’s Dozen, 1967-68; Freshman Glee Club, 1965-66; Yale Glee Club, 1966-69. Roommates: Steven Andrew Davis, Gustavus Warfield Hobbs, IV, Robert Gerdes Kuhbach, Donald Everett Schmechel. Future study: Medicine. Future…


Banner Bio – John Ricotta

JOHN JOSEPH RICOTTA. Born September 13, 1949 in Buffalo, New York, son of Joseph J. Ricotta, M.D. and Joan G. Tarantino Ricotta. Attended Calasanctius Preparatory School, Buffalo, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Biology major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Silliman (Football, 1965-69; Soccer, 1969; Softball, 1966-69; “B” Basketball, 1969). Political Union, 1965; Thomas More House Council, 1967-68; LINK, 1965-69. Roommate: Steven A. Malsin. Future study: Medicine. Future occupation: Physician….


Banner Bio – Allen Richardson

ALLEN BARRISTER RICHARDSON (Abu). Born March 24, 1947 in Honolulu, Hawaii, son of Barrister Allen Richardson, M.D. (Class of ’43) and Florence Elizabeth Ching Richardson. Attended Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Psychology major. Resident: Timothy Dwight. Beta Club; Freshman Swimming, 1965-66, numerals; Varsity Swimming, 1966-69, Major Y, 1967,-68; Varsity Water Polo, 1967, Major Y, 1967. Roommate: Samuel Pailthorpe King, Jr. Future study: Medicine. Future occupation: Medicine. Address: 4153 Papu Circle, Honolulu, Hawaii…


Banner Bio – Leonard Richards

LEONARD RICHARDS (Leo, Len). Born January 27, 1947 in New York, New York, son of the late Leonard Richards and the late Amanda du Bree Richards. Attended Brooks School, North Andover, Massachusetts. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Philosophy major. Resident: Davenport (Hockey, 1967-69). Fence Club; Corner Society; Ball and Mallet; Dramat, 1965-69; Freshman Crew, 1965-66, numerals; Varsity Crew, 1966-69, Minor Y, 1968, Major Y, 1967. Roommates: Steven Craig Dixon, Michael Melville Wood. Future study: Law. Future…


Banner Bio – Charles Resor

CHARLES PILLSBURY RESOR (Chuck). Born January 19, 1947 in New York, New York, son of Stanley Rogers Resor (Class of ’39) and Janet Lawler Pillsbury Resor. Attended St. Paul’s School, Concord, New Hampshire. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Economics major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67 (fall term); Yale Honorary Scholarship, 1965-66. Resident: Branford (Hockey, 1966-68). Obese Metropolis, Treasurei, 1966-67, President, 1967-68; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Freshman Hockey, 1965-66, numerals; J. V. Hockey, 1968-69. Roommates: Jerome Cary,…


Banner Bio – Norman Resnicow

NORMAN JAKOB RESNICOW. Born July 23, 1947 in Brooklyn, New York, son of Herbert Resnicow and Melly Esther Engelberg Resnicow. Attended The Wheatley School, Old Westbury, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive History major; Book Award in German, 1968; Ranking Scholar, 1965-66, 1966-67; S. L. Mather scholarship, 1965-66; R. A. Robertson scholarship, 1967-68. Resident: Pierson (Soccer, 1966-68; Bowling, 1967-68; Baseball, 1966-68). Yale Record, 1966-68, Associate Editor, Senior Editor, 1966-68; Political Union, 1965-67; Indian Neck…