
Banner Bio – Daniel Mayer

DANIEL JAY MAYER (Dan). Born May 17, 1947 in New York, New York, son of the late H. Richard Mayer and Pearl Youngleib Mayer. Attended The Peddie School, Hightstown, New Jersey. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Psychology major; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67 (spring term); Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (fall term). Resident: Ezra Stiles (Social Committee, 1966-67; Soccer, 1966-69, Captain, 1968-69; Swimming, 1966-69, Captain, 1967-69). Political Union, 1965-66; Yale Corinthian Yacht Club, college representative, 1966-68; Class Gift Fund…


Banner Bio – James May

JAMES MARION MAY (Jim). Born August 20, 1947 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, son of Marion Hopkins May and Lucy Ella Wallace May. Attended South Torrance High School, Torrance, California, and Nathan Hale High School, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Biology major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67 (spring term); Ranking Scholar, 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Trumbull (Touch Football, 1965; Bowling, 1967-69). Class Gift Fund Committee; Yale Fishing Club, 1965-69, Secretary-Treasurer, President. Roommate: Logan Truax…


Banner Bio – Drew May

DREW STEPHEN MAY (Steve). Born September 7, 1947 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, son of Warren S. May and Margaret Brady May. Attended St. Francis de Sales School, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and University of Oklahoma, Sept., 1965 to May, 1967. Entered Yale Sept., 1967. Philosophy major. Resident: Saybrook (Coed Committee, 1968; Ad Hoc Student-Fellows Committee, 1968-69). Roommate: John Scott Cunningham. Future study: International Relations and Public Affairs. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 3823 N. W. 21, Oklahoma…


Banner Bio – David May

DAVID SCOTT MAY. Born July 25, 1947 in Monroe, Michigan, son of Marvin Manuel May and Lorraine Schwartz May. Attended John Marshall Senior High School, Los Angeles, California. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Biology major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term). Resident: Ezra Stiles (Dramat, 1966-67; College Council, 1968-69; Touch Football, 1965-66; Crew, 1967; Soccer, 1967). AEISIC, Treasurer, 1965-66, Senior Advisory Board, 1968-69, Teaching Committee; Ad Hoc Coeducation Committee, 1968, Research Director; Dwight Hall Tutoring Program, 1965-67;…


Banner Bio – John Mauck

JOHN WILLIAM MAUCK. Born July 30, 1947 in Des Moines, Iowa, son of William Milton Mauck and Nancy Sprague Mauck. Attended Highland Park High School, Highland Park, Illinois. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Economics major; Dean’s List, 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Calhoun (Football, 1968-69). Undergraduate Schools Committee, 1965-69; Alpha Phi Omega, 1966-69, Scoutmaster, Troop 66, 1966-69; Freshman Football, 1965, numerals; J. V. and Varsity Football, 1966-68, Minor Y, 1966,-68. Roommates: Stephen Allan Gritton, Jonathan Stern. Future…


Banner Bio – Richard Mattas

RICHARD FRANCIS MATTAS (Rich). Born September 14, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois, son of Charles Joseph Mattas and Lillian Sebek Mattas. Attended Morton West High School, Berwyn, Illinois. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Physics major; Yale Club of New York Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Silliman. Political Union, 1967-69; Dwight Hall Tutoring Program, 1968; Freshman Football, 1965; Varsity Football, 1966-68, Major Y, 1967; Freshman Track, 1966, numerals; Varsity Track, 1966-68. Roommates: William S. Beslow, Lewis B. Casagrande, Thomas E….


Banner Bio – David Mathies

DAVID JAMES MATHIES, JR. Born July 22, 1947 in Monongahela, Pennsylvania, son of David J. Mathies and Dorothy J. Miller Mathies. Attended Monongahela High School, Monongahela, Pennsylvania. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Economics major. Resident: Trumbull (College Aide, 1966-69, Chief Aide, 1968-69; Crew, 1968-69). Freshman Track, 1965-66, numerals; Varsity Track, 1966-67. Roommate: Cornelis Disco. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 5023 Gary Avenue, Finleyville, Pennsylvania 15332.


Banner Bio – Walter Marting

WALTER ADELBERT MARTING, JR. (Del). Born October 29, 1946 in Cleveland, Ohio, son of Walter Adelbert Marting (Class of ’34) and Margret Brown Marting. Attended Hawken School, Gates Mills, Ohio, and Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. English major. Resident; Jonathan Edwards (Spider’s Web, 1967-68, contributor; Basketball, 1967-68; Tennis, 1967-68). Book and Snake, Sergeant at Arms; Freshman Football, 1965; Varsity Football, 1966-68, Major Y, 1966,-67; Freshman Basketball, 1965; Varsity Basketball, 1966-67;…


Banner Bio – Donald Martin

DONALD HUMPHREY MARTIN, II (Don). Born January 6, 1947 in Cleveland, Ohio, son of Donald H. Martin and Elizabeth Jean Hann Martin. Attended Hawken School, Gates Mills, Ohio. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. History major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term), 1966-67 (fall term); Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67 (spring term). Resident; Timothy Dwight. Phi Gamma Alpha, 1966-67. Future occupation: Undecided. Address; 4880 Countryside Lane, Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124.


Banner Bio – David Martin

DAVID BRITON HADDEN MARTIN, JR. Born December 9, 1946 in Beverly, Massachusetts, son of David Briton Hadden Martin (Class of ’45) and Mary Louise Ward Ryus, stepson of David Denslow Ryus. Attended St. Paul’s School, Concord, New Hampshire. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive English major. Resident: Silliman (Silliman Singers, 1966-67; Social Committee, 1966-68, Enoch White’s Bar, 1967-68, founder; Soccer, 1968; Hockey, 1966-69, Co-Captain, 1967-69; Baseball, 1966-69, Tennis, 1968-69). Fence Club; Yale Ski Club; Class Council,…


Banner Bio – David Mannis

DAVID ANDREW MANNIS. Born June 6, 1947 in Brooklyn, New York, son of Joseph Mannis and Edith Mannis. Attended Manhasset High School, Man-hasset, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive English major; Dean’s List, 1966-67; Richter Scholarship, 1967-69. Resident: Saybrook (Volleyball, 1966-69). Aurelian Society; Wolf’s Head, Asst. Spook-Master; Yale Record, 1966-69, Chairman; Rugby Club, 1967-69. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: Apt. 2-C, 46 Grace Avenue, Great Neck, New York.


Banner Bio – Harold Mancusi-Ungaro

HAROLD RAYMOND MANCUSI-UNGARO, JR. (Hal, HR). Born May 6, 1947 in Newark, New Jersey, son of Harold Raymond Mancusi-Ungaro (Class of ’40) and Freda Liebman Mancusi-Ungaro. Attended Montclair High School, Montclair, New Jersey. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Scholar of the House in History of Art. Resident: Morse (Social Committee, 1967-69, Secretary, 1967-68, Secretary-Treasurer, 1968-69; Morse Chorus). Yale Banner Publications, 1965-69, Photographer; Football, 1966-69, Junior Manager, 1967-68, Freshman Manager, 1968-69, Minor Y, 1967. Future study: Medicine….


Banner Bio – Steven Malsin

STEVEN A. MALSIN (Sam, Mals). Born May 14, 1947 in New York, New York, son of Raphael Bryant Malsin (Class of ’21) and Lisa Almoslink Malsin, stepson of Elaine E. Steckman Malsin. Attended Rye High School, Rye, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Political Science major; Dean’s List, 1966-67; Ranking Scholar, 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Silliman (Social Committee, 1966-67, Silliman Organ, 1967-68; Tackle Football, 1965-67, Captain Designate, 1967-68; Baseball, 1966-69; Basketball, 1969; Touch Football, 1967;…


Banner Bio – Paul Malamud

PAUL FRANCIS MALAMUD. Born October 19, 1947 in New York, New York, son of Bernard Malamud and Ann DeChiara Malamud. Attended North Bennington High School, North Bennington, Vermont, and Cambridge School of Weston, Weston, Massachusetts. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. English major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Silliman. Dramat, 1965-69. Future study: English Literature. Future occupation: Teaching. Address: Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont.


Banner Bio – Richard Magnus

RICHARD WERNER MAGNUS (Dick). Born December 10, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois, son of Winfried R. Magnus and Virginia Ann Bookwalter Magnus. Attended Choate School, Wallingford, Connecticut. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Absent from Yale Sept., 1968 to Jan., 1969. Archaeology major. Resident: Morse. Yale Daily News, Photographic Editor, 1965-68. Future occupation: Archaeologist. Address: 201 Moffett Road, Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044.


Banner Bio – William Mackoff

WILLIAM ALLEN MACKOFF (Bill). Born September 8, 1947 in St. Paul, Minnesota, son of the late Marvin Mackoff and Rachel E. Wentz Grandt. Attended Central High School, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Highland Park Senior High School, St. Paul, Minnesota. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. History major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term); Pudge Heffelfinger Memorial Scholarship, 1965-66. Resident: Timothy Dwight (Mott Wooley Council, 1968-69; Student-Fellow Teaching Committee, Chairman, 1968-69; College Aide, 1968-69; Touch Football, 1967; Crew, 1968-69,…