
Banner Bio – Ellison Funderburk

ELLISON JAMES FUNDERBURK, III (Jimmy). Bom February 28, 1947 in Charlotte, North Carolina, son of Ellison James Funderburk and Doris Joines Funderburk. Attended West Mecklenburg High School, Charlotte, North Carolina. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive Mathematics major; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67; Ranking Scholar, 1965 66, 1966-67; Yale Club of New York Award for second highest average, 1965-66; Yale National Honorary Scholarship, 1965-66; J. S. Nicholas Scholarship, 1966-67; J. F. Byers Scholarship, 1967-69. Resident: Trumbull. Phi…


Banner Bio – Thomas Fuller

THOMAS BYRON FULLER, JR. (Tom, SEG). Born November 15, 1947 in McMinnville, Oregon, son of Thomas Byron Fuller and Gwendolyn Duerst Fuller. Attended McMinnville High School, McMinnville, Oregon. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Administrative Sciences major. Resident: Berkeley. Alpha Phi Omega, Executive Vice-President, 1968-69; Varsity Crew (Lightweight) 1966-69, Minor Y, 1967,-68. Roommates: Joseph Maxwell Cobert, William Charles McCormack. Future occupation: Banking or Corporate Finance. Address: Rt. 3, Box 221, McMinnville, Oregon 97128.


Banner Bio – Joseph Fuchs

JOSEPH HENRY FUCHS, III (Joe). Born April 21, 1948 in Baltimore, Maryland, son of Joseph Henry Fuchs, Jr. and Vera Louise Reisz Fuchs. Attended McDonogh School, McDonogh, Maryland. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. English major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term), 1966-67; Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (fall term). Resident: Trumbull (Dramat, 1966-68). Yale Dramat, 1966-69. Roommate: Michael Smernoff. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 2101 Tred Avon Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21221.


Banner Bio – John Fuchs

JOHN GILMAN FUCHS (Gil). Born June 13, 1947 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, son of William Joseph Fuchs and Patricia Delaney Fuchs, stepson of Jeanne Arbrogast Tifft Fuchs. Attended Harriton High School, Rosemont, Pennsylvania. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Psychology major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term); Ranking Scholar, 1965-66 (fall term); Yale National Honorary Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Calhoun (Soccer, 1966-68). Aurelian Society, 1968-69; Yale Daily News, 1966-69, Feature Editor, 1967-69; Freshman Soccer, 1965. Roommates: Eric Sandberg, Jim…


Banner Bio – Edmond Froehlich

EDMOND CHARLES FROEHLICH (Ed). Born November 25, 1946 in Cleveland, Ohio, son of Ernest H. Froehiich and Julia Prasse Froehlich. Attended Cleveland Heights High School, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive History of Art major; Undergraduate M.A.T. Program prize in Education, 1968-69; Cleveland Yale Alumni Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident (non-resident member, 1968-69): Trumbull (“A” Basketball, 1965-67). Beta Theta Pi, 1966-69, Pledgemaster, 1967; Freshman Buttery, Sophomore Manager, 1966; Freshman Football, 1965, numerals; Freshman Lacrosse, 1966,…


Banner Bio – William Freeman

WILLIAM REGINALD FREEMAN (Bill). Born May 23, 1946 in New York, New York, son of Samuel Rothschild Freeman and Dorothy Barrows Freeman. Attended High School of Music and Art, New York, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1964. Member of the Class of 1968 from Sept., 1964 to June, 1966. Attended Columbia University School of General Studies, Sept., 1966 to June, 1967. Intensive European History major. Resident: Davenport (Art Festival Committee, 1964-66). Yale Literary Magazine, Associate…


Banner Bio – David Freedberg

DAVID ADRIAN FREEDBERG. Born June 1, 1948 in Cape Town, South Africa, son of William Freedberg and Eleonore Kupfer Freedberg. Attended South African College High School, Cape Town, South Africa, and University of Cape Town, Feb., 1966 to June, 1966. Entered Yale Sept., 1966. Member of the Class of 1970 from Sept., 1966 to April, 1968. History, the Arts, and Letters major; Bereley Premiums in Classics, 1966; Runk Prize in Classics, 1966; Chamberlain Prize in…


Banner Bio – Thomas Freebairn

THOMAS GLENN FREEBAIRN. Born March 14, 1945 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, son of Thomas M. Freebairn and Marjorie Watt Freebairn. Attended Urbana High School, Urbana, Illinois, and University of Illinois, Sept., 1964 to June, 1965. Entered Yale Sept., 1966. Art, Architecture, History of Art majors; Lane Cooper Scholarship, 1966-68. Resident: Berkeley (Art Workshop, 1967-69, Coordinator, 1967-69; Social Committee, 1967-68; Commonplace Society, 1968-69). Architectural Advisory Committee, 1968-69; Political Union, 1968-69; Yale Corinthian Yacht Club, 1968-69; Yale Daily…


Banner Bio – Stephen Frazzini

STEPHEN FREDERICK FRAZZINI (Steve, Fraz). Born February 1, 1947 in Denver, Colorado, son of Bert F. Frazzini and Anna Banner McDonald Frazzini. Attended Terra Linda High School, San Rafael, California. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive American Studies major; Dean’s List, 1966-67 (spring term); Emerson Tuttle Scholarship, 1968-69; Yale Club of New York City Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Davenport (Housing Chairman, Yale Coed Week, 1968; Football, 1966-67; Baseball, 1966-69). Undergraduate American Studies Council, 1968-69, Recording Secretary, 1968;…


Banner Bio – Maurice Franklin

MAURICE EDWARD FRANKLIN (Ed). Born December 28, 1947 in Massillon, Ohio, son of Willie James Franklin and Pauline Russell Franklin. Attended Washington High School, Massillon, Ohio. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. American Studies major; Frank L. Baldwin Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Davenport. Elihu, 1968-69; Freshman Football, 1965, numerals; Varsity Football, 1966-68, Major Y, 1966,-67,-68; Varsity Track, 1966-68. Future study: Law. Future occupation: Law, Community Relations. Address: 1118 14th Street S. E., Massillon, Ohio 44646.


Banner Bio – Paul Fox

PAUL JEFFREY FOX. Born October 17, 1947 in Poughkeepsie, New York, son of Philip Edward Fox and Lucile Jeffrey Fox. Attended Roy C. Ketcham Senior High School, Wappingers Falls, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Engineering and Applied Science major; Dean’s List, 1966-67 (spring term). Resident: Saybrook. Tau Beta Pi, Cataloger, 1968-69; Ripon Society, New Haven Branch; Political Union; Yale Republican Club; Yale Management Association; Freshman Crew, 1965-66, numerals; Crew (150-lb.), 1966-69. Future occupation: Engineering,…


Banner Bio – Craig Foster

CRAIG CURTIS FOSTER. Born July 14, 1947 in New York, New York, son of Ernest Edward Foster and Gloria Carmen King. Attended Fordham Preparatory School, Bronx, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Political Science major. Resident: Morse (Basketball, 1967-68). Afro-American Studies Committee, 1968-69; WYBC, 1966-68; Political Union, 1965-66; Black Student Alliance at Yale, 1966-69, Chairman, Admissions Committee, 1967-69, Whip, 1966-67, Community Action Committee, 1966-67; Freshman Track, 1965-66, numerals. Future study: Law. Future occupation: Undecided. Address:…


Banner Bio – Richard Fortier

RICHARD EMERY FORTIER, JR. (Rick). Born March 4, 1947 in Berlin, New Hampshire, son of Richard Emery Fortier and Roselle Coury Fortier. Attended Lewiston High School, Lewiston, Maine. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Biology major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term); Ranking Scholar, 1966-67. Resident: Berkeley. Alpha Phi Omega, 1967-69; Yale University Student Laundry employee; Apollo Glee Club, 1967-68. Roommate: Barry Norman Greenberg. Future study: Medicine. Future occupation: Physician. Address: 28 Haley Street, Lewiston, Maine 04240.


Banner Bio – Reginald Ford

REGINALD EUGENE FORD, III. Born July 3, 1947 in Rockville Centre, New York, son of Reginald E. Ford and Dorothea Ryan Ford. Attended Horace Greeley High School, Chappaqua, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. History and American Studies major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (spring term); National Merit Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Saybrook. Political Union, 1965-66; U. S. Grant Foundation, 1967-69. Future occupation: Teaching (college level). Address: 290 Manville Road, Pleasantville, New York 10570.