A Home In Hendrie Hall

A Home In Hendrie Hall

“A Home in Hendrie Hall,” is an 18-minute film by Miriam Lewin ’80.  It chronicles the transformation of both the Glee Club and the University over the past 50 years — in celebration of the 50th anniversary of coeducation at Yale College.  It spends a lot of time on the classes of 1969, 70 and 71, as women arrived.  And it features more than a few recognizable faces of ’69ers.

Terrence Clark Miller, February 22, 2020

Terrence Clark Miller, February 22, 2020

Terry Miller died Feb 22 from complications due Parkinson’s  disease, which he had had since 1993. After graduation in 1969, he married, went to Navy OCS, graduated, and luckily spent his three years behind a desk at the NSA rather than on a gunboat in Vietnam. In 1972 he returned to Yale, where he got his M.S., M.Phil, and PhD in computer science. From 1977-1979 he was an assistant professor in computer Science at the…

John Nelson – A Remembrance

John Nelson – A Remembrance

I was surprised and saddened to learn of the death of John Nelson.  At the 50th Reunion, I was with John on the Yale golf course and at the dinner table.  Others have said that John told them of his cancer, but he never said anything of the sort to me.  He was the same John Nelson that I’ve known since freshman year – overly good-looking, athletic, intellectually sharp. John and I were in the…

Live Event (4/10): Private Report From The Front Lines; Ken Davis, CEO of Mt. Sinai

Live Event (4/10): Private Report From The Front Lines; Ken Davis, CEO of Mt. Sinai

As President & CEO Mount Sinai Health System in NYC, our own Ken Davis has a unique perspective on the COVID-19 crisis. On Friday, April 10th, from 11:30 AM – Noon (EDT), Ken will talk with us privately about what’s going on and to answer questions you have.

We will use the new Zoom account for Yale 1969 to host the online meeting. Because this is a private briefing, you must sign up in advance here.

How To Zoom For A Yale 1969 Online Meeting

How To Zoom For A Yale 1969 Online Meeting

Especially in the wake of the “stay-at-home” orders in Spring 2020, many classmates are discovering how to use their computers, smartphones or tablets to join online meetings.  Several Yale 1969 groups are using Zoom conferencing now. As the Editor of Yale1969.org, I introduced many of these groups to Zoom, and I can tell you that, despite initial fears of dealing with a new technology, almost everyone finds it very easy and much better than the old, telephone-only conference calls. Here’s how YOU can join.

Yalies for a Fair, Sustainable Society

Yalies for a Fair, Sustainable Society

Editor’s Note: This is the first instance of organizing a “shared interest group” (SIG) within Yale 1969. (More about SIGs on Yale1969.org here.)

This post is Doug Leonard’s proposal for a discussion (and action!) group of Yale ’69 classmates who want to have a real, positive impact on society. Click through to learn more … and take action!

Online Shared Interest Groups for Yale 1969

Online Shared Interest Groups for Yale 1969

The COVID challenge clarified a decision I was struggling to make: How best should Yale1969.org enable sub-groups of the Class to meet and hold discussions as a “Shared Interest Group” (SIG)? 

Should we use video conferencing or a text-oriented, online “Discussion Forum”? Our recent stay-at-home experiences with Zoom (or Skype) make the choice obvious: video conferencing. This article shows how you can find, join (or create) “Shared Interest Groups” of like-minded ’69ers.

Quarantine Special: Tune into “Virtual Events” at Yale

Quarantine Special: Tune into “Virtual Events” at Yale

Do you ever recall looking at the weekly “Yale Bulletin and Calendar” while we were students?  It was a 6- or 8-page newsprint tabloid that listed ALL the events at Yale, e.g., political figures speaking in a Common Room, a visiting prof giving a presentation on some research finding, a concert, something at the Med school that I couldn’t understand, a poetry reading in JE, a demonstration of the carillon, a guided tour of some…

Keep your mind sharp while social distancing: These Yale resources can help

Keep your mind sharp while social distancing: These Yale resources can help

With social distancing mandates in effect across the country, millions of Americans are preventing the spread of COVID-19 by avoiding groups of people and hunkering down at home.

But distancing, while an effective public health policy, can lead to boredom and feelings of loneliness, experts note.

Yale University offers a variety of online resources to keep your mind sharp and stimulated while you’re keeping safe by staying home. There are still plenty of ways to take a Yale class, explore the university’s cultural treasures, and …

COVID-19 – Yale moves courses online

COVID-19 – Yale moves courses online

Dear Members of the Yale Community,

I write with significant updates to Yale’s response to the spread of COVID-19.

In recent weeks, we have all seen that the challenges posed by COVID-19 are rapidly changing across our country and the world. I ask you to join me in taking new actions to prevent and slow the spread of the virus. Current scientific and medical evidence suggests that preemptive public health measures are more effective than those that are reactive. By being proactive as a community, we can safeguard our own health and the well-being of those with whom we interact.

Class Notes – Mar/Apr 2020

Class Notes – Mar/Apr 2020

Jim Grew writes: “I was inducted into the International Waterski & Wakeboard Hall of Fame this year, the International Governing Body of all Towed Water Sports recognized by the IOC to go along with my 2013 induction into the U.S. Water Ski & Wake Sports Hall of Fame, the national governing body recognized by the USOPC.”  Related story. Mike Schonbrun (mks@balfourcare.com): “Loved seeing everyone at the 50th. My appreciation for Yale gets stronger every year,…

The Class Survey Presentation at the Reunion

The Class Survey Presentation at the Reunion

A very large part of our Class responded to the Class Survey, which covered money, sex, career, religion, politics, Yale, and other interesting facets of our lives.  We were delighted to be able to pull everything together and present the findings in a slideshow at the Reunion, and to discuss the findings with the assembled classmates and significant others.

Here are the slides …

The Class Memorial Service Completes the Reunion

The Class Memorial Service Completes the Reunion

The Memorial Service, held on the Sunday morning of Reunion weekend, was moving and evocative, according to many of the 60-ish classmates who attended. Most everyone said this one was deeply moving, in large part due to the magnificent singing of our own Dick Williams.
Good news: we have high quality recordings and pictures of the event; check it out —

Class Council Holds First Meeting

Class Council Holds First Meeting

Editor’s Note:  What follows are the minutes of the first meeting. 

Still energized by last Spring’s memorable 50th Reunion, the first official post-Reunion Class Council meeting was called to order by Secretary Art Segal at 4:00 PM EST on Saturday, February 15, 2020.

Attending were Andy Schnier, Bruce Mazo, Dan Seiver, Dave Howorth, Derry Allen, Harold Mancusi-Ungaro, John O’Leary, Ken Davis, Mike Folz, Mike […]

Yale students launch drone delivery on campus

Yale students launch drone delivery on campus

from the Yale Daily News App uses drones to deliver across campus Maya Geradi. FEB 17, 2020 Hungry college students now have a new way of receiving snacks and sundries: drone-based package drops across campus without a delivery fee. Kiki Air, a new student startup, offers products sorted into four categories — candy, snacks, healthy and essentials — delivered to specific drop-off locations around campus, including residential colleges, commonly-frequented walkways and on Old Campus. The…