
Craig Foster – 50th Reunion Essay

Craig Foster College: Morse What to say? There are two plaques on the wall of my study. One is inscribed with the words: “The President and Fellows of the Yale Corporation Salute Craig Foster in recognition of vision, dedication, and distinguished qualities of leadership in founding African-American studies as a field of study on the occasion of the department’s reunion celebration during Yale’s Tercentennial year. September 14, 2001, Richard C Levin, Linda Koch Lorimer, President,…


Harry C. Forsdick – 50th Reunion Essay

Harry C. Forsdick 46 Burlington St. Lexington, Massachusetts 2420 harry@forsdick.com 781-799-6002 Spouse(s): Marsha Baker, 1977 – now Child(ren): Benjamin 1981 and William 1984 Education: Yale College BS, 1969; MIT MS 1973 Career: Internet Research, Bolt Beranek and Newman 23 years, 8 years in .COM hyperbole and aftermath. Avocations: Travel, Art, Photography, Internet, Computers College: Pierson Enough, Basta, Dayenu. This may not be perfect, but it’s overdue. Story of my life. Just in case I missed…


Reginald Eugene Ford III – 50th Reunion Essay

Reginald Eugene Ford III 610 Oakview Way Emerald Hills, CA 94062 reg.ford@aya.yale.edu 650-576-4041 Spouse(s): Cynthia (1969) Education: University of California, Berkeley, PhD 1976 Career: Software engineer, computer science researcher, and program leader, SRI International (Menlo Park, CA). Still work in the Computer Science Lab, but mostly retired. Avocations: Music, gardening, art, science/math, history, books/audiobooks, running College: Saybrook If it was five years ago I would say a lot about my work and what it’s meant…


Michael Folz – 50th Reunion Essay

Michael Folz Box 2273 | 4 Howard Ct Tijeras, NM 87059 mfolz@q.com 505-286-5300 Spouse(s): Maureen (1983) Education: Yale BS/MA 1973 Career: Very Small Businesses Avocations: Travel: 2400 Counties, 200 Countries (159 By U.N. Count) College: Pierson Closing time. In 500 words. Well, for one thing, it all ended up becoming pretty intense. A lot of everything went down. But since—if you are a good Buddhist or Stoic—the half empty part is always going to be…


Howard Christian Floyd – 50th Reunion Essay

Howard Christian Floyd 16 Oxford Street Lexington, Massachusetts 02420-2940 Spouse(s): Norma Dominick Floyd (1989) Career: Lead Software Systems Engineer, Retired, The MITRE Corporation College: Branford My life changes but stays much the same as I wrote 25 years ago. I retired in spring 2016 from full time at the MITRE Corporation but still work part-time on call, often at Hanscom AFB. Norma and I live in the same house in Lexington, Massachusetts, and expect to…


William Wendell Fletcher – 50th Reunion Essay

William Wendell Fletcher 3655 Planting Green Stillwater, MN 55082 wendellandsue@gmail.com 651-342-1654 Spouse(s): Susan R. Fletcher (1984) Child(ren): Daniel Abbasi Grandchild(ren): Jordan, Elias, Isabelle Education: Yale AB 1969, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry 1977 MS Career: public policy analyst, manager, writer, consultant (current) College: Timothy Dwight Originally in the Class of 1968, I dropped out in my junior year, graduating in 1969 from Timothy Dwight while living off campus on the shore. I spent…


Michael O. Flanagan – 50th Reunion Essay

Michael O. Flanagan 507 Tulane Place NE Albuquerque, NM 87106-1344 flanagan44@msn.com 505-415-6278 Spouse(s): Dianna Byrnes (1969 – 1980); Valerie Jill Young (1989 – present) Education: University of New Mexico School of Medicine: M.D. 1983 National Service: Navigator: US Air Force 1971 – 76 Career: Neurobiology/Biochemistry graduate student: (UNM) 1979 – 80; Psychiatry Resident: (UNM) 1983 – 85; Neurology Research Fellow (U. Otago) 1988 – 90; Medical Practitioner, Albuquerque, NM 1991 – 2006; Student of the…