QQ: High School Curriculum
“They oughta teach that in school.” You’ve heard it. You’ve said it.
You’ve said it about practical life hacks, or lessons “every high school student should know,” even at the expense of some topics taught currently.
This month’s Quick Question: “What should be taught in HS that’s not currently taught?” Scale doesn’t matter: It might be a lesson (“The non-intuitiveness of exponential growth”) or a course (“Relationships and Networking” or “Personal Financial.
Use the new “instant survey” button to add your response to the table immediate.
note: Yale1969.org has a principle of giving users control — they can edit or delete anything they offer. Sadly, this plug-in survey button doesn’t enable that. So, a) be careful and b) if you make a mistake, email or call me and I’ll delete or change your entry, as you wish. (support@Yale1969.org; +1 650-428-1395).