Calvin Hill Scores on a Busted Play

Calvin Hill Scores on a Busted Play

It was supposed to be a new and different format of Class Colloquium: not a lecture, but rather a celebration of and by that magical sports duo, Brian Dowling and Calvin Hill.  They were slated to talk about “the student-athlete, then and now” … starting with their collegiate experience in the 60s.

We opened the event to adjacent classes, and that created the problem: Zoom inadvertently […]

Editor’s Note: The video of Calvin is available here.

And Brian and Calvin have agreed to reschedule to February 23rd, 3:00 PM EST; you can register now for that event.

Ivy League Places All Sports on Hold Until January

Ivy League Places All Sports on Hold Until January

from Ivy League Places All Sports on Hold Until January By Billy Witz, Jul. 8th, 2020 The league’s decision could be influential for other university presidents as they consider how to handle the coronavirus pandemic. It is the first Division I conference to suspend football for the fall. The Ivy League presidents placed all sports on hold Wednesday until at least January, making it the first Division I conference that will not play football as…