The Internet and the Reform of American Politics in 2021

The Internet and the Reform of American Politics in 2021

Editor’s Note: This is adapted from a memo Reed sent to the Biden Campaign.
A President Biden will face problems larger in scale and scope than any previously presented to the United States. The conjoined COVID-19 crises (aka the “pandemiconomy”) now seem monumentally daunting. Yet they may succumb to easier solutions than the long list of secular challenges that threaten the Republic:
* economic inequality,
* immigration,
* infrastructure,
* national security, […]

The Future of Communications: Reed Hundt on Current Issues and Tough Choices

The Future of Communications: Reed Hundt on Current Issues and Tough Choices

The 3rd Class Colloquium in our series was a huge success as Reed Hundt took us on a Greyline Tour of the issues being debated right now in Congress and how revolutions in communications and computing amplify both the possibilities and the threats coming soon. Here is the recording of Reed’s presentation and the Q&A.  It’s well worth listening to. After revealing “the seven tech stocks I own” — partly for fun and partly as…

ClassColloquium 3: Reed Hundt on the Future of Communication: Data, Privacy, and State Control

ClassColloquium 3: Reed Hundt on the Future of Communication: Data, Privacy, and State Control

In 1996, as midwife to the last major overhaul of the US telecommunications policy, Reed was exquisitely prepared to address the knotty problems arising from — and possible policy responses to — the issues attendant to social media, e-commerce, and online privacy, and the dangers of media concentration, Russian trolls, Chinese hackers, “deep fake” videos, and other ills of our internet-based future.

Register now to attend: July 22nd, 1:00 PM EDT.