Direct Democracy or The “Old Boys Network”?

Direct Democracy or The “Old Boys Network”?

Turmoil on campuses, Yale included, is not just a student phenomenon.  Yale Alumni are challenging the nomination process for the “Alumni Fellow” seat on the governing board of trustees (aka “the Yale Corporation”).

There are two ways to get on the ballot; Nominating Committee or Petition. The next three weeks are critical – will these two Petition drives work? What’s at stake is nothing less than the transparency of the nominating process itself. Learn more; maybe sign a petition?

Have We Been Missing Some Troublesome Long-term Trends at Yale?

Have We Been Missing Some Troublesome Long-term Trends at Yale?

I fear I have been blinded for a period of years by my institutional affection and great memories from noticing what appear to be some disturbing long-term trends at Yale. The much-publicized recent campus culture issue involving hate speech vs. freedom of speech and similar matters of a quasi-political nature are only marginally related, if at all, to these concerns. Pasted below (shaded area) is a piece put together last year by Yale Alumni For…