Tom Reed’s Twist on Reunion Pix
I’m gonna pre-empt sharing Tom Reed’s reunion photos to share a video I shot of his name tag, It’s an “ambigram” — his name, but watch what happens in this 10 second video!
Look closely at the “Tom Reed” nametag. Notice anything unusual?
Well, after you give up, check this out:
I sat next to Tom at one of the sessions and this kinda blew my mind. What talent there is in this group! Would that I had paid more attention to classmates during those late 60s days!
Here are some other, really good px from Tom:

That is fantastic! Reminds me of Philosophy 101 when the professor drew a rabbit – and then turned it sideways so it became a duck. A further 90 degrees did not produce another rabbit, however. Thanks so much for creating – and then capturing and sharing with the rest of us. Ahhhh, perspective.
Thanks Wayne and Kent. I’m glad you like my ambigram! Here’s the backstory.
Ambigrams came to my attention while reading “Angels and Demons” (by the “Da Vinci Code” author). He sprinkled ambigrams throughout (words that read the same upside down—think of the word “pod” for example). I thought it would be cool if I could create one out of my name. It’s not easy. I tried and tried and almost gave up. My breakthrough moment was when I realized That the script “d” with enough of a carefully crafted flourish could read as the “To” of “Tom” upside down. Then I soon realized that the “m” with small loops could read as the double e’s in “Reed”. From there I was on my way!
Tom 🙂
BTW, the fact that our Class year of 69 is also an ambigram clinched the deal. I knew then that I had to make my own customized ambigram name pin to wear at our 50th!
Tom 🙂
Good Lord. Is there no end to our class’s creativity?