You CAN Go Home Again!

You CAN Go Home Again!

You can go home again!

Your scribe and nearly 400 classmates, with 300 spouses and family members, returned to Yale for a fabulous 50th. My limited word allowance cannot do justice to the rediscoveries of old friends, and, yet again, the making of new ones. Add in nonstop intellectual stimulation, animated conversations day and night, a steady supply of libations and tasty comestibles, all topped with two servings from our gentlemen songsters, the superb 1969 Whiffenpoofs.


Daniel Alan Seiver – 50th Reunion Essay

Daniel Alan Seiver 117 Florin St. Pismo Beach, CA 93449 Spouse(s): Sharon (Cherie) Seiver (2003) Child(ren): Elizabeth (1981), Robert (1985) Education: Yale PhD, Economics 1974 National Service: US Army Reserve/National Guard, SSG, ’70–’76 (5 months active duty for training) Career: College Professor Avocations: basketball, track and field, gardening, reading, writing College: Saybrook As I…

Edward Jay Ferraro, January 3, 2019

Edward Jay Ferraro, January 3, 2019

Ed’s widow updated our information: “When my husband Edward passed away at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, one of the hardest things to do was pack up the books that were piled on every available surface in the room. Never one for small talk, Edward loved to engage the hospital staff in discussions about his books on philosophy and religion.

A roommate that Edward had after college wrote “I never tired …