
Banner Bio – Robert Cleaveland

ROBERT CHARLES CLEAVELAND (Phi, Cleave). Born April 1, 1948 in Staten Island, New York, son of Charles H. Cleaveland and Alice C. McCarthy Cleaveland. Attended Chaminade School, Mineola, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Physics major; Dean’s List, 1965-66; National Merit Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Pierson. Gibbs Society, 1968-69; Zeta Psi, 1966-69, President, 1968; Yale Interfraternity Council, 1968, President; Yale Aviation, 1967-69; Mory’s Association, 1966-69. Roommates: Richard P. Barrier, Robert J. Polackwich, Robert M. Struse. Future…


Banner Bio – Marc Cooperman

MARC COOPERMAN. Born ‘September 30, 1947 in Washington, D.C., son of Bernard Robert Cooperman and Irene Gansl Cooper-man. Attended Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, Bethesda, Maryland. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Psychology major; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67 (spring term); Ranking Scholar, 1966-67 (fall term). Resident: Branford (College Council, 1967-69, Secretary, 1968-69; Medical Forum, 1968-69, Vice-Chairman, 1968-69; Tennis, 1965-69). Alpha Phi Omega, 1966-69; Political Union, 1965-66; Yale Corinthian Yacht Club, 1967-68. Future occupation: Medicine. Address: 7605 Charleston Drive,…


Banner Bio – Douglas Darif

DOUGLAS PAUL DARIF (Doug). Born October 24, 1947 in New Haven, Connecticut, son of Eugene Paul Darif and Gerda I. Munch Darif. Attended Loomis Institute, Windsor, Connecticut. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Economics major. Resident: Morse. Freshman Soccer, 1965, numerals; Varsity Soccer, 1966-68, Major Y, 1966,-67,-68. Future study: Economics. Future occupation: Business. Address: Ten O’clock Lane, Weston, Connecticut.


Banner Bio – Frank Dobbs

FRANK ARNOLD DOBBS. Born August 28, 1946 in New York, New York, son of Zygmund Dobbs and Sophie Judy Buchman Dobbs. Attended Horace Mann School, New York, New York. Entered Yale Sept., 1964. Attended Universite de Grenoble, Certificat d’Etudes Francaises, fall 1964; Universite de Paris (Sorbonne), Certificat, Spring 1965; and Bard College, Feb., 1966 to Dec., 1966. Intensive Classics and French major. Resident: Davenport (Debating Team, 1965-66; Writers Workshop, 1968-69). Calliopean Society, Secretary-Treasurer, 1965-66, President,…


Banner Bio – Robert Eisenhauer

ROBERT GEORGE EISENHAUER, JR. (Swamp Rat). Born December 29, 1946 In East Orange, New Jersey, son of Robert George Eisenhauer and Geraldine Burns Eisenhauer. Attended Pingry School, Elizabeth, New Jersey. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. German major; Dean’s List, 1965-66 (fall term); National Merit Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Morse (Morse Experimental Theatre, 1966-69, President). Dramat, 1965-69. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: Bockoven Road, Mendham, New Jersey.


Banner Bio – John Fifield

JOHN JAMES FIFIELD. Born April 12, 1947 in Hartford, Connecticut, son of James Edward Fifield and Jeannette Elanor MacDonald Fifield. Attended Berkshire School, Sheffield, Massachusetts. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Absent from Yale Jan., 1967 to present. Culture and Behavior major. Resident: Ezra Stiles (Touch Football, 1965). Freshman Glee Club, 1965-66; The Duke’s Men, 1966; Freshman Fencing, 1965-66. Married Jill Dianne Hackett (Vassar, Class of ’69, B.A. Degree) at Sellersville, Pennsylvania, May 31, 1968. Present occupation:…


Banner Bio – David Freedberg

DAVID ADRIAN FREEDBERG. Born June 1, 1948 in Cape Town, South Africa, son of William Freedberg and Eleonore Kupfer Freedberg. Attended South African College High School, Cape Town, South Africa, and University of Cape Town, Feb., 1966 to June, 1966. Entered Yale Sept., 1966. Member of the Class of 1970 from Sept., 1966 to April, 1968. History, the Arts, and Letters major; Bereley Premiums in Classics, 1966; Runk Prize in Classics, 1966; Chamberlain Prize in…


Banner Bio – Richard Garzilli

RICHARD JOSEPH GARZILLI. Born October 31, 1947 in New York, New York, son of Nicholas N. Garzilli and Ann Garzilli. Attended Colegio San Jose, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. History major. Resident: Ezra Stiles (Aide, 1966-69, Chief Librarian; Swimming, 1968; Soccer, 1969). Future study: Law. Future occupation: Law. Address: 17-3, Calle Granada, Tor-rimar, Puerto Rico.


Banner Bio – James Golden

JAMES FREDERICK GOLDEN (Jim). Born July 15, 1947 in Atlanta, Georgia, son of Abner Golden and Janet James Golden. Attended Sidwell Friends School, Washington, D.C. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Engineering major. Resident: Ezra Stiles (Social Committee, 1967-69). Tau Beta Pi; Class Gift Fund Committee, 1968-69; Political Union, 1965-66; Stationery Agency, 1966-67. Future study: Electronics Engineering. Future occupation: Biomedical Instrumentation Designer. Address: 4213 Rosemary Street, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015.


Banner Bio – James Grew

JAMES HOOPER GREW, JR. (Jim). Born May 5, 1948 in Boston, Massachusetts, son of James Hooper Grew and Alma Clayburgh Grew. Attended Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. French major; Dean’s List, 1965-66, 1966-67. Resident: Ezra Stiles (Hockey, 1965-69, Captain, 1968-69; Squash, 1967-69, Captain, 1968-69). Zeta Psi, 1967-69, Rush Committee, 1967-69. Roommate: Frank Myers Northam. Future occupation: Teaching; Diplomatic Service. Address: 16 Hidden Field, Andover, Massachusetts 01810.


Banner Bio – Timothy Harris

TIMOTHY JENKINS HARRIS (Tim). Born June 9, 1947 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, son of Philip Brewer Harris and Ardene Berg Harris. Attended West High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. American Studies major. Resident: Morse (Softball, 1967-69; Tackle Football, 1967; Hockey, 1968-69). Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1966-69; Freshman Hockey, 1965-66, numerals; J. V. Hockey, 1966-67; Varsity Hockey, 1967-68, Major Y, 1968. Roommates: Mark A. Melamed, Andrew C. Scott. Future occupation: Banking, Business. Address: 400 Woodhill Road,…


Banner Bio – Richard Hengen

RICHARD LAWRENCE HENGEN (Dickie), Born June 13, 1949 in Lincoln, Nebraska, son of Hilary L. Hengen and Jeanne N. Armstrong Hengen. Attended Stow High School, Stow, Ohio. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive English major; Bate’s Fellowship, Summer 1968. Resident: Ezra Stiles. Yale Chess Club. Future occupation: Undecided. Address: 3760 N. Santom Road, Stow, Ohio 44224.


Banner Bio – Charles Hobbs

CHARLES LEWIS HOBBS, III (Chuck). Born February 1, 1947 in Wilmington, Delaware, son of Charles Lewis Hobbs, Jr. and Barbara Ellen Whitman Hobbs. Attended Tower Hill School, Wilmington, Delaware. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Psychology major. Resident: Morse. Freshman Track, 1965-66, numerals; Varsity Track, 1966-69, Major Y, 1967,-68,-69. Roommates: Lawrence Earl Kreider, John Leslie Stewart, III. Future study: Medicine. Future occupation: Physician. Address: 1809 Shipley Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19803.


Banner Bio – Reed Hundt

REED ERIC HUNDT (Reeves, Scoop, Sidewinder). Born March 3, 1948 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, son of Neal Henry Hundt and the late Vida Fredina Pullan Hundt. Attended St. Alban’s School, Washington, D.C. Entered Yale Sept., 1965. Intensive History major; Ranking Scholar, 1966-67; National Merit Scholarship, 1965-69. Resident: Davenport (Photography, 1966-67; Arts Festival, 1965-69; Committee on Courses, 1968-69; Soccer, 1965-68). Au-relian Society, President, 1968-69; Class Gift Fund Committee, 1968-69; Yale Daily News, 1966-69, Executive Editor, 1968….


Banner Bio – Reid Kaplan

REID WAYNE KAPLAN. Born July 31, 1939 in New Haven, Connecticut, son of Saul Louis Kaplan and Rose Kruthshewsky Kaplan. Attended Hillhouse High School, New Haven, Connecticut; Amity Regional High School, Wood-bridge, Connecticut; Allegheny College, Sept., 1957 to June, 1958; New Haven College, part time, Sept., 1959 to June, 1961; and Southern Connecticut State College, part time, Sept., 1961 to May, 1963. Entered Yale Sept., 1966. Engineering and Applied Science major. Non-Resident Member: Ezra Stiles….