Final Reunion Program Published
Our Reunion Committee and the YAA did it again! The final program offers many compelling events, often presented in parallel. Scanning the program, I often want to be in two places simultaneously!
There are four separate pages on the University-wide reunion site, each worth visiting.
Schedule of Events – Overview
This is a one-page overview of all events. The details of the 5 Class-only lectures and panel discussions are available, but those delicious university-wide lectures and tours are specified in the “Lectures and Tours” page linked next.
Lectures and Tours
YAA-only events
Be sure to click on each of the four tabs across the top of the main page. Here is where you might experience wanting to go to two lectures that are given at the same time. The topics are incredibly relevant and deeply interesting. And they are offered by professors who take the “teaching” part of Yale’s mission seriously.
“Also On Campus“
Do you remember walking around Yale and discovering some really mind-blowing places. For me, it was the squash-sized room in the Payne Whitney tower where polo players could sit on a wooden horse bolted to floor and hit polo balls with their mallets, confident the ball would roll back toward the horse owing to the modified floor which “drained” to the center. For many (including me), it was the other-worldly interior of the Beinecke. Just scan down this list and recall venues on campus rich in nostalgia or one you’ve always been curious to explore.
Everything else you need to know
This page has information about fees, deadlines, accommodations (in TD or in local hotels), who’s coming, accessibility issues and other miscellanous information.
Register now! – Pre-registration** Deadline is May 23rd
** Pre-registration gives YAA a headcount for planning; you can register up to the day of the reunion.