Another New Author: Daniel Duke, Man Camp

Another classmate joins the ranks of published authors, this time at the ripe old age of 75! Check out Daniel Duke’s man camp available directly from Amazon or other sources.

Man Camp

Society today is obsessed with identity–gender, race, religion, political persuasion, and so on. So what does it mean, in this charged atmosphere, to be a man? That is the question that brought ten men from very different backgrounds to the wilderness of Central Oregon. Ten men: ten days of challenges, each designed to test different dimensions of manhood. Imagine, for instance, that you received instructions to spend the morning doing something that you associate with being a man. One of the ten participants in Man Camp, and the central character, is a recently retired coach of a women’s basketball team. Why he chose to attend Man Camp and what he discovered in the process await the reader.

–Daniel Duke

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