You CAN Go Home Again!

You CAN Go Home Again!

You can go home again!

Your scribe and nearly 400 classmates, with 300 spouses and family members, returned to Yale for a fabulous 50th. My limited word allowance cannot do justice to the rediscoveries of old friends, and, yet again, the making of new ones. Add in nonstop intellectual stimulation, animated conversations day and night, a steady supply of libations and tasty comestibles, all topped with two servings from our gentlemen songsters, the superb 1969 Whiffenpoofs.

Where should this website go next? Your thoughts?

Where should this website go next? Your thoughts?

I had fully expected to “retire” as webmaster after the reunion. Yeah, yeah … the Reunion Committee said they wanted the site to continue, but I didn’t think there was enough “news” to sustain a community website. Then an odd thing happened: Many, many people approached me during the reunion, saying they hoped the site would continue in some form. Please read on and leave, in the comments below, YOUR thoughts about what we should do here, what the site should be or do.

So What’s All This We Hear About the Schwarzman Center?

So What’s All This We Hear About the Schwarzman Center?

In the course of our 50th Reunion activities, we were reminded in casual but animated conversation during our Class Dinner, that University Commons is being completely renovated into a campus-wide student center, including its traditional role as the principal dining hall for the university. First, some history.  University Commons (1902) is part of the Yale…

FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR THE PLANET:  Ten Classmates Lead Reunion Discussion

FOR GOD, FOR COUNTRY AND FOR THE PLANET: Ten Classmates Lead Reunion Discussion

Had any of us been thinking 50 years ahead as we graduated, we probably would not have guessed that one of the defining issues of the next half century would be the challenging relationship between people and the planet. It turned out that 1969 marked the beginning of what is commonly thought of as the…

Yale ’68 Black Power Salute – Call for Information

Yale ’68 Black Power Salute – Call for Information

Several discussions at our 50th Reunion touched on two memorable themes from our senior year:  the Black Power movement and the football team. These themes intersected in historic fashion at the Dartmouth game at Yale Bowl on November 2, 2018, when our two black cheerleaders stood at the front of the cheerleading squad during the…

Calling All Reunion Attendees!

Calling All Reunion Attendees!

Everyone Contributes – Let’s Document What Just Happened.
We need to document what happened at the reunion, mainly for the many classmates who could not attend for medical or other good reasons. Volunteers are writing up reports on events like Classmates In Concert and the Class Survey presentation. But we need MORE of you to volunteer and help document the …

What Is This Place?

What Is This Place?

My contact with a broad swath of Yale ‘69 preparatory to our 50th revealed widespread unease with what Yale now appears to “be.”   This disaffection was repeatedly invoked as the source of decisions not to attend the Reunion – prompting our Reunion Committee to assert that the Reunion would be about renewing connections between classmates,…