Self-censorship by Fear, or by Seduction?

Self-censorship by Fear, or by Seduction?

Note: In 2012 I gave a talk to a group of Yale undergrads who gathered at the Yale War Memorial on Beinecke Plaza — about how liberal education, especially at elite institutions such as Yale, finesses but sometimes clarifies the difference between self-censorship that’s prompted by fear of a state, of corporate employers, and of other authorities versus a kind of self-censorship that’s prompted by the seductions of power, i.e., by calculating that …

William Charles Pennington, July 14, 2023

William Charles Pennington, July 14, 2023

William Charles (Bill) Pennington went to be with the Lord on July 14, 2023, surrounded by his loving family in Richardson, TX. He was 76 years old. Bill was born, along with his twin sister, Suzanne Marie, on March 28, 1947, in Chicago, Illinois to Charles Sheldon Pennington and Marcella Mary (Crossen) Pennington. He grew up in Lombard, IL, attending Glenbard East High School where he graduated as valedictorian. He graduated from Yale University, plus…

Recording From Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff, Publishing

Recording From Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff, Publishing

A few dozen classmates joined Host Art Segal and guest Art Klebanoff for a mid-summer afternoon Zoominar on “publishing,” as seen through the eyes of Art Klebanoff’s career as lawyer, agent and publisher.  See Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff – Publishing,  “A Life in Publishing: 50 Years Spent Bringing the Facts of Life into Focus” for details on the program and Klebanoff’s bona fides.

Without further ado, here is the recording of the conversation:


Reunion Lecture: Political Tribalism in America

Political Tribalism in America: Why We Hate Each Other – and What We Can Do about it. I attended this lecture for many reasons: I was really impressed by Professor Chua’s earlier book, Day of Empire and had followed the blowback regarding her Tiger Mom book, her role in JD Vance’s life (which he honors in Hillbilly Elegy), and the controversies involving out-of-school parties, comments, clerkships, and other student interactions. I had not kept up…

Robert Horvitz’ (Ed.) Book Added to “Best Books of 2023”

Robert Horvitz’ (Ed.) Book Added to “Best Books of 2023”

Robert Horvitz worked as editor/translator on a beautiful book that was recently published, An Older and More Beautiful Belgrade: A Visual Chronicle of the Milosevic Era. It was named one of the best books of 2023 by Barnes and Noble.

Click through to see a superb summary of the book and get your copy of the book, which Robert has generously provided to those interested.

Class Notes, Jul-Aug 2023

Class Notes, Jul-Aug 2023

Bill Sacco writes: My book, Caribbean Coral Reefs: A Record of an Ecosystem Under Threat, was just released in April by Taylor and Francis Group, Routledge Press. [See Caribbean Coral Reef Book Published.] I spent the summers of 1968 and 1969 as a field assistant to a marine biologist working in Curaçao and Columbia, learned to photograph underwater, and spent all of my vacation time for the next eight years visiting marine scientists in the Caribbean and…

Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff – Publishing, July 11, 2 pm EDT

Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff – Publishing, July 11, 2 pm EDT

Join in a Class Colloquium featuring Art Klebanoff, who is still trailblazing new business models in the world of publishing. He shares his incredible journey in the thick of the NY publishing world and shares some observations about publishing today. Would-be authors and ALL readers will appreciate this look under the hood. Register now

Update:  Who is writing a memoir?

Update: Who is writing a memoir?

Update: With the impending Class Colloquium talk by Art Klebanoff, we are 1) issuing a “second call” for those people interested in writing their personal stories (see below), and 2) huddling as a group on a Zoom call on the day before Art’s talk — July 10th. Several people (listed below) have indicated an interest. 

Please click on this Doodle poll to indicate which hours you are available.  On Thursday, July 6, we’ll select the best time and confirm.

Announcing a new section — “Works”

Announcing a new section — “Works”

Increasingly, classmates are creating really interesting essays, music, paintings, presentations, playlists, plays, podcasts and other creations we are calling “Works” (as in “works of art”).

Coupled with the existing categories of Op-Eds and Books, this website can serve as a display case where classmates can share their “Works” with classmates.  Hopefully, the viewers, readers, listeners, etc. will give some feedback in the comments.

Lee Carter Mundell, June 26, 2023

Lee Carter Mundell, June 26, 2023

from Melissa S. Mundell, Lee’s wife: I just sent an email of an obituary for my husband, Lee Carter Mundell,  (See below) Afterwards I thought of some other things I should submit, in case they could be published as well. Lee worked at WYBC in those 1960s years when music was changing so dramatically. He did a morning show and someone he did not know left a sketch of him sitting at the broadcast desk,…

Reunion: YAA Lectures and Tours

Reunion: YAA Lectures and Tours

[DRAFT] At every reunion, the YAA arranges Lectures, Tours and Receptions for all the Classes. Here is a list of of those events. I double-dare you to limit yourself to only four; most people want to clone themselves and attend several.

Some of our ’69ers said they were deeply impressed by events they attended. If so, please leave comments at the bottom of this or any post or send reactions, pix, reviews, links, etc., to
See “Also On Campus” for listings of athletic/exercise opportunities, exhibitions, receptions, special events, self-guided tours, religious services, open houses, etc.

“Also On Campus”

“Also On Campus”

Note: Even though classes were not in session, the YAA ensured that many of the University’s facilities were open and welcoming to our classmates.  In case you had forgotten all the incredible resources available to students, just consider the following list of special events, receptions, self-guided tours, athletic/exercise opportunities, religious services, meetups, open houses, exhibits, and just walking around (including access to the colleges).