Update:  Who is writing a memoir?

Update: Who is writing a memoir?

Update: With the impending Class Colloquium talk by Art Klebanoff, we are 1) issuing a “second call” for those people interested in writing their personal stories (see below), and 2) huddling as a group on a Zoom call on the day before Art’s talk — July 10th. Several people (listed below) have indicated an interest. 

Please click on this Doodle poll to indicate which hours you are available.  On Thursday, July 6, we’ll select the best time and confirm.

Announcing a new section — “Works”

Announcing a new section — “Works”

Increasingly, classmates are creating really interesting essays, music, paintings, presentations, playlists, plays, podcasts and other creations we are calling “Works” (as in “works of art”).

Coupled with the existing categories of Op-Eds and Books, this website can serve as a display case where classmates can share their “Works” with classmates.  Hopefully, the viewers, readers, listeners, etc. will give some feedback in the comments.

Reunion: YAA Lectures and Tours

Reunion: YAA Lectures and Tours

[DRAFT] At every reunion, the YAA arranges Lectures, Tours and Receptions for all the Classes. Here is a list of of those events. I double-dare you to limit yourself to only four; most people want to clone themselves and attend several.

Some of our ’69ers said they were deeply impressed by events they attended. If so, please leave comments at the bottom of this or any post or send reactions, pix, reviews, links, etc., to support@Yale1969.org.
See “Also On Campus” for listings of athletic/exercise opportunities, exhibitions, receptions, special events, self-guided tours, religious services, open houses, etc.

“Also On Campus”

“Also On Campus”

Note: Even though classes were not in session, the YAA ensured that many of the University’s facilities were open and welcoming to our classmates.  In case you had forgotten all the incredible resources available to students, just consider the following list of special events, receptions, self-guided tours, athletic/exercise opportunities, religious services, meetups, open houses, exhibits, and just walking around (including access to the colleges).

55th Reunion Reflections

55th Reunion Reflections

Kudos to the Reunion Committee (Bill Newman, Derry Allen) for putting together an excellent, interesting and informative array of “Class Only” events.  For those of you who could not attend, here are some materials and related items from each of the Class Only lectures: Yale Class of 1969 Survey Redux: New Information About the Class…

Eliot Norman, Chopin and The Joy of Music

Eliot Norman, Chopin and The Joy of Music

On May 16th, Classmate Eliot Norman shared his journey, moving from ‘one form of practice (law) to another (piano)‘ as his primary retirement activity. Organizing his remarks around Chopin’s astonishing Prelude No. 24, “Of Blood. Of Earthly Pleasure … of Death,” Eliot wove together Chopin’s personal journey and Eliot’s own. In truth, Eliot has played…

Campus Miscellaneous — Beyond Core Reunion Events

Campus Miscellaneous — Beyond Core Reunion Events

Check out these additional activities happening during the May 30 – June 2 weekend! Here’s a Table of Contents for everything below: SPORTS FOR ALUMNI & GUESTS SPECIAL EVENTS FAMILY FRIENDLY EXHIBITIONS RELIGIOUS SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES SPORTS FOR ALUMNI & GUESTS Payne Whitney Gym Access Enjoy the Adrian C. Israel Fitness Center and other activities…