Jamie Woolery shares a personal wellness journey

Editor’s Note: Jamie wanted to share his appreciation of some medical mentors and his regimen for optimizing his metabolic health.
James D. Woolery, ’69

The metabolic health which I am now blessed to enjoy by the grace of God is the consequence of my extremely careful following of the guidance of Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt (a Swedish family doctor and the creator of Dietdoctor.com, the most-read website on healthy living and healthful diet) and Dr. Jason Fung, a Toronto-based nephrologist and the world’s leading authority on intermittent fasting.  As a result, I am eating 20 grams or less of carbohydrates daily, and I practice intermittent fasting for 18 hours every day.

For what has happened in my (extremely fortunate) life since graduation from Yale, see my website <jamieirons.com>. Please pass the link on to Dr. Fung, along with my profound gratitude to him for his having saved my life.

At Yale, my mentor was the amazing Clement Markert,  Dr. Fung did his residency at UCLA, as did I, where my mentor was Robert J. Stoller who became my lifelong friend. I was also a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar at UCLA School of Medicine, and at Yale, my mentor was the amazing Clement Markert, a veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and the discoverer of isozymes. He also became my lifelong friend. In my diet doctor success story in 2014, I expressed my intention to lose a final stone of excess weight. I have achieved that goal. Please pass that on to Dr. Eenfeldt, with my profound gratitude to him.



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