Latest Information About the 55th Reunion

Latest Information About the 55th Reunion

Editor’s Note:  Our fearless Reunion Co-Chairs Derry Allen & Bill Newman provide this update:
  • Online registration for the reunion events & on-campus housing will “go live” very soon — hopefully by later next week. We’ll blast a special email to everyone when it’s ready.
  • The Class Survey is getting a solid response; if you have yet to take it, click here.
  • The Class-only and Yale-wide programming is coming together; see details within.
  • The Class Dinner will host a new musical format; see this story.
  • See within for links to all the FAQs and resources you’ll need for a great weekend.
Second Call:  All Classmate Musicians

Second Call: All Classmate Musicians


As previously reported, we will have fun music at the reunion. By classmates. Yes, YOU!

We will have two “street pianos” in the tent at TD. Folks can just play a bit as they feel like it, while walking by, whether to entertain friends, jam or just communicate their thoughts.

Also, we are going to enjoy more music played by classmates after dinner on Saturday, including…

Larry Franks Appointed to Clark University Board of Trustees

Larry Franks Appointed to Clark University Board of Trustees

This academic year is the first of six for Larry Franks as a Trustee of Clark University, Worcester, MA.   As the announcement of his appointment says, “After graduating from Clark with a master’s in government and international relations, Franks joined the Peace Corps and lived in Africa. Prior to retiring in 2007, he worked for Vertex Solutions, a tech company in Washington, D.C., whose clients included the Department of Homeland Security, the National Science…

It’s “Sir Stephen Schwarzman” now!

It’s “Sir Stephen Schwarzman” now!

Stephen Schwarzman given honorary British knighthood.

Blackstone founder named among US recipients alongside Mark Milley, former chairman of joint chiefs of staff.

Billionaire US private equity executive Stephen Schwarzman is to receive an honorary British knighthood for services to philanthropy. The award was announced by the British embassy in Washington, and confirmed …

William Francis Streicker, March 1, 2024

William Francis Streicker, March 1, 2024

from William Francis Streicker, 76, passed away on March 1, 2024. He departed the world peacefully at his home in Richmond, Virginia, surrounded by family. Will was born on June 3, 1947 in Brooklyn, New York. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Yale University, attended medical school at New York University and completed his residency at the Medical College of Virginia. He was head of the Emergency Department of Johnston-Willis Hospital for ten years…

Class Notes, Mar-Apr 2024

Class Notes, Mar-Apr 2024

Ken Brown submitted this obituary for his college roommate Richard L. Farren, who died suddenly at his home on December 3, 2023: “Richard matriculated with the Yale Class of 1969 but graduated in three years with the Class of 1968.  He attended most of the Class of 1969 reunions but could not resist going to the White House upon the invitation from George W. Bush, Yale ‘68.  He graduated from the Harvard Law School in…

Survey Goes Live!  Time to take it!

Survey Goes Live! Time to take it!

You may recall the extensive class survey that most of our classmates took in 2019.  It covered LOTs — health/sex, demographics, work/career, politics, lifestyle, relationship with Yale, and religion/spirituality.

This 2024 survey updates that information with how things may have changed since our 50th reunion five years ago.  The questionnaire is fun and …

If you haven’t taken the survey yet, start here.

Eugene Linden Wins Prestigious Book Award

Eugene Linden Wins Prestigious Book Award

The Coun­cil of the Amer­i­can Me­te­o­ro­log­i­cal So­ci­ety (AMS) has voted to award Eu­gene Lin­den The Louis J. Bat­tan Au­thor’s Award for his 11th book, Fire and Flood: A Peo­ple’s His­tory of Cli­mate Change, from 1979 to the Pre­sent. A pre­vi­ous work on cli­mate change, Winds of Change: Cli­mate, Weather, and the De­struc­tion of Civl­liza­tions, won the Grantham Prize’s Award of Spe­cial Merit.

A for­mer se­nior writer for TIME Mag­a­zine, where he wrote about na­ture, sci­ence, and …

Report: Yale’s Ties to Slavery

Report: Yale’s Ties to Slavery

Since October 2020, the Yale and Slavery Research Project has conducted intensive research to provide a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of the university’s past involvement with slavery. 

In a major announcement on Feb. 16, Yale announced the publication of results in a book, a free pdf and an incredible interactive website that I strongly recommend you visit. Unlike Georgetown and Brown, Yale didn’t own slaves directly, but many of its early leaders and benefactors did.

Last, the university issued a Statement acknowledging some of its institutional failings re: slavery and announcing some constructive programs, especially for New Haven.

It’s survey time again!

It’s survey time again!

One of the many interesting things about our 50th Reunion was the Class Survey.  The response (both statistical and emotional) was so strong that we’re doing it again! The same team that created the 50th survey is about to launch a shorter but just as incisive questionnaire focused on what’s changed, what’s stayed the same, and what’s new, as we totter into the second half of our 70s.

Look for the email with the survey, coming soon.

Is Anyone Else Raising His Grandchildren?

Is Anyone Else Raising His Grandchildren?

Jeff Horton is dealing with a twist of fate in his life and wants to hear from other classmates who are raising their grandchildren.  He writes: “After my 33 year old son died in 2022, his two children came to live with me in Palmdale CA, north of Los Angeles.  As you all can imagine, it is exhausting, but it is also invigorating. 

I’d love to hear from any other grandparents acting as parents from our class at [email and phone in the full story].

Calling Classmate Musicians:  Reunion Ideas

Calling Classmate Musicians: Reunion Ideas

We are working on two ideas to add a little music to our reunion. Eliot Norman suggests:

1. Putting “Street” Pianos at the two ends of the tent in the courtyard at TD. Folks can just play a bit as they feel like it, while walking by, whether to entertain friends, jam or just communicate their thoughts.

2. Organizing a “pop-up” band and sing-along participation fun event after dinner on Saturday.

For further information, read more or contact Eliot (email).

Hoop and Tree Explained

Hoop and Tree Explained

As we have profiled before, Chris Hoffman has published four books of poetry and a bedrock book called The Hoop and the Tree, which went through a second edition with some revised and updated materials in 2021.  He explained the image and the metaphors of hoop and tree in an article published recently on the Climate Psychology Alliance website. For you audiophiles, Chris also explained the model in a Zoom at Noon presentation hosted on YouTube. 

Class Notes, Jan-Feb 2024

Class Notes, Jan-Feb 2024

Dick Williams sends this news about Mark Klugheit which he gleaned from the Yale Law Report: “Mark Klugheit continues his second (third?) career as director for Next Stage Theatre Southwest in Tucson, AZ, with very successful 2022 productions of David Ives’s Venus in Fur and Halley Feiffer’s  A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Gynecologic Oncology Unit at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center of New York City.

Re-releasing your music using new digital editing tools

Re-releasing your music using new digital editing tools

Michael Folz and wife Maureen have been working and re-working some of their songs using some of the newer recording and engineering technology.  And it’s mind-blowing … well, more ear-blowing. Compare, for example “Right Through My Heart” from 2015 vs. the revision of the same song they created a couple months ago,  The 2015 version was the original recording.  No overdubs, etc.  Maureen’s voice, totally plain. Their friend Sam, a recording engineer and songwriter in an…